Chapter 28

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2 years later
I was on my way home after picking up my babies from daycare. I got a really good job as a nurse. To be honest I was happy to finally put my college degree to use. I heard gurgling and giggling on to look back and see Maddy And Noah playing with Aaliyah. Now she's my babygirl. When I left Alejandro I knew that I was pregnant from that late night punishment. I wanted to tell him but I couldn't bring myself to do it considering his lifestyle. Maddy and Noah have grown to be so beautiful and big. It makes me a happy mother knowing my kids are safe.

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Pulling up to the house

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Pulling up to the house. Maddy and Noah jumps out running around chasing eachother making me laugh while taking Liyah out."Come on guys lets get washed up so we can have lunch" Unlocking the door I walk into the house and into the living room only to stop dead in my step. "Take Aaliyah upstairs" I said handing her off to Noah. I walked up to Ale who sat on the couch drinking a glass of whatever. "Why are you in my house and how did you find me" I sneered. He just smiled at me before standing to his full height. "You're a real bitch you know. Leaving that's okay I said you could but keep my fucking child away from that's another story" he said raising his voice per word. I glared at him "I didn't tell because I don't want her to live her life with a target on her back." He just looked at me because he knows I am right. "I loved you and you left" he said. "Bullshit you don't love me. You just hate that I'm the only girl who didn't fall at your feet even if you talk to me any kind of way." I said.

He scowled at me before yanking me to him. "You will come back home or I will take your ass to court and we both know I will win. I own the states" I just stared. "Go get your shit. I'll help the kids you have on fucking hour" I glared at him before bumping him and walking upstairs to my room. "Mommy?" I hear Maddy ask from my bed. I looked at her "Do we have to go back now. I don't want to" she said with tears in her eyes. I hug her "I'm so sorry baby but it will get better". Together we walk to the nursery freezing when we see Ale rocking Aaliyah. We backed out the room and I told her to tell Noah to pack because we are leaving. She nods walking off. I stare out the window at the end of the hall letting out a sigh before going to pack.

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