Chapter Five

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Amina's POV
~5 Years Later~
Noah Mason Mitchell you leave your sister alone right now. I know what you are thinking .. Sister? You had twins? To answer your question no. I started a dance studio here and Madison May Mariello always came first and left last and one day no one came to pick her up to I decided to take her home to see smoke coming from her home and fire trucks everywhere and I'm pretty sure you can guess the rest. This happened a few months back and now she is legally mine but I still wanted her to keep he last name to have some part of her family left with her.

"Mummy Mummy is grandma and grampa coming today" my son said in his beautiful accent that I have not yet developed. I picked him up and sat him on my waist " Yup they should be here any second now" right after I said that I heard knocking at the door and little footsteps running towards it. "Madison don't you dare touch that door" I said right before she reached the handle making her still her actions.

I opened the door and see my mom and dad push through with bags. Naturally they were shocked to see little people in my house so I just came right out and said it "Mommy Daddy these are my kids... Im sorry I never told you anything of them" I whispered. Getting over their shock my mom started crying while scooping my kids into her arms and holding them tightly against my dad."They are so beautiful"

~Few hours later~
After finally getting settle my mom and dad couldn't stop gushing over how beautiful the kids were and how they were gonna be spoiled and all that jazz. "Well honey now you have to move back home" My mother stated and that's when my mood turned sour because there is no way in hell I'm going back to the states. "No way there is nothing for me back there I wasn't living until I moved here and I built a life here and everything I can't just leave" I bellowed. "Honey you had your time away please baby come back home" my mother cried. I did the only thing I new how at the moment and went to my studio and danced my heart out.

I look up huffing and thinking. Maybe I do need to go home and stop running away from all of my problems I am a grown ass woman. Going home I talk to my parents and they are so happy to hear the news that they even decided to pay for movers and plane tickets.

-One Week Later-
I look to my right to see my kids sleep knowing it will be a long journey back to the states and it will be very much drama when I am finally there. I guess I should be prepared for the worse. The whole flight I couldn't even get any sleep and next thing I know it was time to get off of the plane. Along with my parents and the kids we gathered our things and began the ride to my parents house to get settled until I find us a new place to live nearby. Pulling up we see three cars in the driveway and I look at my parents who are grinning at the kids and I. I didn't think anything else of it and get the kids out of the car and wait for my parents to go to the front door and unlock it . Stepping into the house I hear a loud "WELCOME HOME" and looked around seeing my backstabbers and family members looking shocked at Madison and Noah " Well Shit" I said looking at Landon.

 Stepping into the house I hear a loud "WELCOME HOME" and looked around seeing my backstabbers and family members looking shocked at Madison and Noah " Well Shit" I said looking at Landon

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