"What?" The boy asked.

"You look like a tough guy. Unbuttoned top three buttons, no tie, long red hair, not to mention the mean looking face you have." Reichiru replied bluntly, watching as he flinched at the last feature she pointed out. "You seem more like the scary silent type."

"Scary silent type, huh?" The boy asked, his voice got deeper. It was as if he were trying to intimidate her, of course it wasn't working.

Reichiru nodded. And the two continued to walk in silence. As they walked, Reichiru noticed that the pair of them were getting strange stares, and people were whispering, throwing glances at the two of them walking along the halls. With each stare, Reichiru was getting more and more annoyed. Though she also noticed people freeze as the boy next to her looked at them, but she payed the reactions no mind. Of course with a face like his pampered pooches would be scared of him. She was relieved when she finally felt the warmth of the sun hit her skin as she stepped outside.

"Well, here we are, outside." The boy said.

"Yeah." Reichiru said, then she started to walk away, before feeling a hand on her arm. She tensed up, and whipped her head to look back around her shoulder, staring at whoever was holding her arm with narrowed eyes. "Let. Go." She seethed, glaring daggers at the red haired boy.

For the second time the boy looked taken aback, though he let go of her arm, and composed himself quickly.

Once free, Reichiru walked away, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. Finding a calm place under a tree. Looking forwards, she looked at the a small pond like fountain. A rather interesting statue producing the water that was spilling into the fountain.

"Damn this place." She muttered to herself. "Damn rich people. Damn this dress. Damn school. Damn everything!" She ended with an annoyed shout, standing up and running her fist against the tree that she was just sitting under. Living on the streets and stealing food was much easier than Algebra.

She moved her fist from the slightly splintered tree bark and started to wave it in the air as it stung, her eyes slightly tearing up from the pain. I shouldn't of done that. She admitted to herself. With a tired sigh, Reichiru slumped back down against the tree, and closed her eyes, crossing her arms as she started to doze off.

"Hey." A girl said, causing Reichiru to open her eyes and see two girls towering over her, both of them glaring daggers at her.

"Yes?" Reichiru asked calmly.

"What's your plan with Hikaru and Kaoru?" The other girl asked.

Reichiru raised an eyebrow. Is she a dunce? She thought to herself. We look almost exactly alike.

"Answer me!" She shouted this time. Raising a foot and stopping it just before Reichiru's face.

"Are you an idiot?" Reichiru asked, grabbing onto the girls foot. She might not be that strong, but she's strong enough to beat the girl that was 'threatening' her. She also had to deal with many thugs like her while on the streets. Granted, they were as malnourished as he, but she was able to easily overpower them. A pooch like her wouldn't be a problem, just an annoyance.

"What do you mean?" The girl sneered.

"I guess you haven't heard. I would of thought rich teens gossip as much as regular teens." Reichiru said. Standing up, she easily moved the girls foot up, causing her to get unbalanced and fall to the ground.

"What? Are you dating one of them or something?" The girl who was still standing asked, hostility still heavy in her voice.

"Guess you haven't heard the name." Reichiru shrugged, "The names Hitachiin Reichiru. The Triplet of Kaoru and Hikaru." Saying that felt strange to her, but if that was what it took to get these girls to leave her alone, she didn't hesitate.

"Their Triplet, how amusing." The girl on the ground laughed, "Everyone knows that the Hitachiin brothers are twins. Not to mention brothers. There's never been mention of a sister."

Reichiru took a step forwards, the warmth of the sun replacing the cool shade she was just under. Her auburn hair and golden eyes shining in the light. "I don't know if the shade of the tree caused you to be temporarily color blind, but I think you should look again. Maybe the sunlight would help." Reichiru seethed, getting more and more annoyed but this girl by the second.

"No way, you could of just dyed your hair!" The girl on he ground had gotten up, and was now trying to square up to Reichiru, it didn't help that the girl was a couple inches shorter than her.

"Hey, Rei!" A voice called out, and Reichiru looked behind her, watching as Hikaru and Kaoru walked up.

"Hikaru!" The girls friend exclaimed, running up to Hikaru.

"Kaoru!" The girl who was 'threatning' Reichiru shouted out, running towards Kaoru, tears collecting in her eyes. "This girl over there is pretending to be your Triplet! Please tell her to stop, Kaoru!" She exclaimed.

"Hm?" The two responded, glancing from the two girls to the annoyed Reichiru. "Well, we don't like to lie to ladies." They responded.

"Wait, so you're telling me-" the girl in front of Hikaru said, disbelief in her voice.

"She was lost for a while." Hikaru started, walking past the girls and stood on the right of Reichiru.

"But we found her again." Kaoru finished, walking over and standing on the left of Reichiru.

"Our middle Triplet has finally reunited with us." They said together, this time wrapping their arms around her shoulders, their heads pressing together and the Auburn hair merging together. Reichiru tensed slightly at the contact.

The girls looked at the two in disbelief. Then they bowed suddenly.

"We apologize for our rudeness!" They exclaimed, and Reichiru looked at them, a mixture of confusion and annoyance showing on her face. They didn't give her time to respond, running away like scared animals.

"That was something." Reichiru stated, the expression on her face returning to a neutral one.

"Well, we are one of the richest families in Japan." Hikaru stated.

"Sure. That will take some getting used to." Reichiru muttered to herself, louder she said, "Could you two please move away?"

"Oh, sure." They said, both of them moving away from Reichiru. Looking at both of them, she noticed a certain emotion in their eyes, pity? No, not that, but it was something similar. They seemed hurt, though she didn't linger on the thought. "Why did you come here anyways?"

"Well, the bells about to ring." Hikaru started.

"So we thought we should walk back to class with you." Kaoru added.

"So you wouldn't get lost." They ended together.

Reichiru felt disappointment rise as she heard about classes. There's more? She thought to herself, crying internally.

"Well, let's head back to the classroom!" They exclaimed together, grabbing Reichiru's arms, and despite her complaints she was dragged back to the classroom.

Welcome to hell, Rei. She thought to herself. This is your life now.

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