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Having Brit back in my life was probably one of the best things that could've happened. Didn't realize how much I had actually missed her. Britany was someone who understood everything. Even if it had never happened to her. She had the most open mind and was positive about everything. It was really great to have that kind of energy in my life again. Not to mention that she adored Annie. And Annie adored Auntie Brit even more. Harry and Nathan got along really well and sometime Harry would go out with Nate and his buddies.

I was still in contact with Kate and for the past few months, our girls had become amazing friends and I wasn't going to step between that. Annie loved gymnastics and whenever she wasn't bouncing in class she was bouncing around the house.

My birthday was coming up. And the realization that I was only 23 came hard. I felt older... More mature. I felt stronger. I didn't feel 23. And that's maybe because I had a little six year old 'running around with me constantly.

Harry and I had made arrangements to head to the cabin for my birthday. Even though we were living together, we never truly had alone time. Annie was always there and Harry worked late nights as a manager at a high end restaurant in downtown Nashville. So we decided to use my birthday to it's biggest advantage and head away. Just us. In a cabin where it all started.

Annie was staying with my parents and she was completely thrilled. She loved them and the concept of grandparents. Harry's dad wasn't really ever around when Annie was born, and Alyssa's parents had disowned her... So Annie loved having my parents around. It was either that, or the fact that my mom took her shopping every chance she had.

Harry and I were just about to the cabin and I had to admit, it looked even prettier in the winter. Everything was under a white coloured blanket. I felt, for once, since Annie came into my life... I felt like things were normal. It felt... Like happiness. The genuine kind. Like I could laugh for hours and there wasn't even a reason for it. Genuine happiness. "God, Harry. Can we just stay here forever." I lean my head back in the range rover and smile over at Harry.

"If you want." He chuckles.

I roll my eyes, "don't tempt me."

"I wouldn't dream of it." His voice echoes sarcasm.

I reach for his hand from his lap and I feel completely giddy. "Thank you for doing this, Har."

"Thank you, more."

"Honestly, Harry, I think this is exactly what we need." He nods. "Har," I shuffle my hands through his hair.


"I really love you."

"I really love you." He replies and I can spot the cabin in view now. Just as beautiful as I remembered it. "Looks like we're home."

I smirk. "Well, home is where the heart is."

Harry pulls up and stops the ranger, immediately jumping out and grabbing a few bags, taking them in. We had a week here. A week of serenity and peace. A week of just us. I jog up to Harry, kicking the lightly brushed snow and follow Him into the cabin. "Just like you remember?" Harry asks, dropping the stuff in his hands and turning to me.

He pushes hair behind my ear and his lips brush against mine lightly. "Even better." I wrap my arms around his torso and press my head sideways into his chest. We stay quiet for a minute. His chin balancing on top of my head.

Harry had started a fire and we were curled up on the couch under blankets. He had just poured us wine and microwaved s'mores. The ones we tried to make in the fire didn't work so well. I bite into the sticky deliciousness and my mouth waters. "Amazing babe." I say, taking a sip of the wine. Warm tingles down my throat.

Saving Grace {Haylor}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang