Frozen Peas

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There's something about seeing your boyfriend hardly conscious that shakes you awake. From the top of the stairs my eyes widen, my jaw drops, and my heart beats fast. I stumble down the stairs meeting Austin there as he helps Harry down on the bottom step. "What the fuck happened?!" Is all I can say as I fall beside him and begin to push messy hair out of his eyes. Attempting to see what's going on after the initial shock wares off. Austin dashes to grab a bag of frozen peas but I still don't have my answer.

The bruising on Harry's left eye and temple has already begun. Blood sits at his nose and I have to look away. Blood brings out the dark days. I look to Stephanie who stands as still as board. Her eyes bloodshot, her make up a mess. "I asked what happened." I say as calmly as I can. But screams come out in a whisper. Austin comes running back and I press the pees to Harry's bruising eye. He winces and I cradle him closer. "Now who is going to tell me what happened, cause clearly he can't."

Apparently Milo had been at the bar drinking. A little too much. Wasn't sinking into fatherhood very well. And when Milo saw Harry with Austin he snapped. I guess he didn't like letting me go or something. He pushed Harry to the ground and even though Har fought back as hard as he could, Milo had the upper hand. Then once Harry passed out, Milo fucked off before the cops got there. Sherif said there was nothing they could do until the following morning when they have a chance to review the tapes. There was a nurse at the bar who checked him out and said he should be fine. But to take him to the doctor in the morning.

I rub Harry's chin and rests against my shoulder. Not having the energy to talk or even move. "I can't believe he did that." I shake my head, tears in my eyes. "I'm so sorry." I press my lips into the top of his head.

"Do you want me to help him up to your room?" Austin asks and I look down at Harry for a approval. His slight nod is enough before Austin and I already have him in our arms, carrying him up the stairs. I draw down my covers while Austin balances Harry. He sinks into the bed, winces following. I let out a sigh, looking upon my beat up boyfriend. Austin pulls me to the side. "You gonna be okay? Need anything?" I think this situation can do nothing but sober you up.

"I think we'll be okay..."

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Is Milo going to get in trouble?"

Austin shrugs, "hopefully. The guys an asshole. Always has been." He pauses. "Are you gonna be okay?"

I nod, somewhat agreeing. Milo had always been a kind guy to your face, but as soon as you turn your back he'd bitch. "I'll be fine. Thanks." I reach up and hug my brother.

"Anytime. If you need me, you know where I'll be." He kisses the top of my head before heading for the door.

"It's good to have you back, Aus." I say softly.

"It's good to be back." He says with a smirk and then closes the door.

I turn back to look at Harry. He holds the peas to his forehead, half asleep. I smile warily, hoping it's more confident than it feels. "How's my brave boy feeling?" I stick out my bottom lip, hoping to raise a smile.

His eyes open more and I crouch down beside the bed, pulling off his shoes. "Numb." His voice comes out hasty.

"I'm so sorry this happened." I sit beside him and comb back his messy sweaty hair. The bruise has increased and it's swelled so you can hardly see his eyes. "Baby, I'm so sorry." It's the only words I can formulate.

"It's okay." He breaths harshly. "Do you have any painkillers?"

"Oh yeah! Of course!" I jump up and start rummaging through my add on bathroom. After Karlie died I had an... accident and they gave me some painkillers but I don't remember ever finishing the bottle.

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