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Harry and I spent the night at the hospital when it got too late. It was what I had kinda assumed we were doing. We were curled up in the waiting room on couches while Annie spent the night with her mom. I didn't ask Harry what him and Alyssa talked about, I just let it go. I wasn't about to get jealous over something he had for years that was going through a closing.

Alyssa was kind and light hearted. And even though she knew she had days upon days left, she kept a smile on her face. I think it was for Annie, that's probably how she got so strong and okay with the subject matter. Annie told me that her mommy was going away soon, but that it was going to be okay. Because one day, when she's done her own journey she would see her again. Harry and Alyssa did an amazing job on raising this child. Her strength and understanding of death was so much more grand at five than when I was twenty one.

Out of the few short hours I had known Alyssa she seemed to be getting worse. I know it's not my place to say, but dare I say lifeless. It broke my heart to see this happen. To see someone loose themselves completely right before your eyes. It makes you realize how lucky you actually are.

The next day, after everyone was awake and we were back with Alyssa, she asked if I would mind talking with her for a little bit. Of course I didn't mind and Harry took off with Annie for awhile. "Taylor, I want to thank you." Alyssa says as I pull up a chair beside her bed. Her voice is even softer than yesterday.

"Thank me?" My eyes go wide.

She nods ever so slightly. "Yes. Any girl would've thought Harry was out of their mind to bring them here. To meet a daughter they didn't know about and her dying mother." I don't really know what to say so just smile a little. "You must really love him." I nod. "Don't be afraid to say it, Taylor. Harry and I haven't been romantically involved for ages now." She smiles and laughs a little

I join the laughter. "Yeah, I love him. A lot."

"Good, cause God knows he loves you. More than anything I've ever seen."

I raise an eyebrow. "And how do you know that?"

"He raved about you. All summer whenever we talked over the phone, you were all he talked about. This isn't just some puppy love and I hope you realize that. Harry wouldn't of brought you here if he didn't think that one day you'll be married. He wouldn't of brought you to meet Annie in this situation. He would-"

"Married? Sorry to interrupt but We've been together nothing but a few short months, it's kinda quick to be talking marriage, don't you think?" I feel as if a chemical reaction is going on inside my body. Like the words triggered something and I'm about to combust.

Alyssa laughs and she adjust the hose at her nose. "He would've waited for you to meet Annie. I'm not saying he's about to propose anytime soon or anything like that. I don't know. All I'm saying is when I see him look at you, when you were talking to Annie, when he's talking about you, he's at his happiest. The happiest I've seen him in years. You brought a light into his life... And you're bringing one into my daughter's too. I just needed to thank you for that."

I'm speechless. At a loss for words. "I don't know what to say..."

Alyssa reaches for my hand. Her kind smile imprinting itself in my mind. "You don't have to say anything Taylor. Just listen. I was nervous to meet you, I mean, you might be the lady raising my daughter. You came here, Taylor. That's strength. I understand that you were terrified, anyone in their right mind would be. But you did it for Harry. You brought my daughter a present and you took her to get something to eat. You fit in perfectly... All last night you were all Annie could talk about. You've imprinted my daughter in such a way when she's known you for a handful of hours. You're special, Taylor. Extremely. And I hope you realize this. A mothers biggest dream is to watch her child grow up, and a mothers biggest fear is to leave them. I don't really have a choice, to stay or to go. I've been terrified in leaving my daughter in a world that doesn't accept people, but you... Since I met you I haven't been as scared. I know my daughter will be in good hands."

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