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By the time we got back to Annie, it was already the 18th. This was going to be the first time my parents saw our house and scoped it out. I know mom was gonna cry. Probably pull me aside and press a kiss to my cheek explaining how proud she is of me, that I found myself and so on and so forth.

We were putting up our Christmas tree today after mom and dad got settled in. And then we were going shopping for our sponsor family. Every year growing up my family would take on another at Christmas time. We go shopping and instead of picking gifts for people of your own family, you pick them for the less fortunate. Then you take the presents home, wrap them up in pretty party and bows and take them to the house the day before Christmas,l so when they kids wake up they have something to open as well. Mom and dad had already don't theirs and dropped it off before we left. Now it was our turn. Harry, Annie and I.

"Why are we doing this?" Annie asks from the backseat as she colours.

"Because it's Christmas!" Harry says in a musical kinda way. "And at Christmas we do nice things."

"But aren't we supposed to always do nice things?" She looks up with raised eyebrows and her nose stuck up.

I nod and look over the seat. "Yeah! You're right! But at Christmas, we do extra nice things for people who don't have the luxury we have."

"What's luxury?" She has to say it a few times before she actually gets it right.

"Ya know how when we goto the grocery store you get to pick whatever you want?" Harry asks, she nods. "And like, how you get to go to gymnastics?" She nods again, "and how we have a big nice house of our own with a pool in the back?" She nods once more. "That's luxury. It's when you're able to have what you want essentially. We have the money and resources to do things that not everyone can."

Her eyes go wide. "Some people don't eat?!"

I smirk, "most people find a way to make ends meet... They live pay check to pay check. You're lucky, you'll never have to go through that. So that's why we do extra nice things. Because some kids don't get presents, their parents don't have the money for it."

"So we're giving them our presents?!" The look on her face is adorable and shocking.

I chuckle. "No, no. We have your presents already. Wrapped and hidden away where you can't get at them. We buy this family all new stuff."

"Who are they? Anyone we know?"

Harry shakes his head. "No, they won't be anyone you know."

I look through my emails and pull up the one with all the info. "This family is a single mom of three. A girl twelve, a girl eight, a boy six. Says their dad died in a car accident last year and it's been really hard. They had moved here for business from Montana. Under circumstances, they can't get back."

"Wow... Rough."

"Could you imagine? She's probably having a hell of a time with three kids and trying to steady things out."

Harry takes a deep breath. "I would've been messed up if it wasn't for you, I don't know how she does it."

I take his hand from his lap and kiss his knuckles. "I know."

Annie was a great big help, to be honest. It's been awhile since I was a eight year old and even then I wasn't a normal eight year old. So far, we had a bike for each of them with helmets. For the older girl we got fuzzy slippers, a diary, a guitar (it had mentioned she was really into music), a iPod shuffle and a itunes card and some CDs, we got her some earrings and other nice jewellery. The younger girl we got earrings and slippers as well. It had said she really loved disney so we got her a frozen doll and a stack of movies Annie said she had enjoyed. We got her an American girl doll and that was about the just of it. For the little boy, it was harder. It didn't give us a lot of information on him so we had to go by gut instinct. We got a guess who board game and a nerf gun. A superman cape and a remote control car. For the wonder woman of a mom we got her a iPad, a blueray +tv and a spa day. All in all I think we did pretty well.

We were just heading to check out of the last store when Annie darts away. Harry and I look at each other and follow the potter patter of her steps. When we reach her, she's sitting under a tent like canopy with a tea set underneath. The one she had currently was nice, but it was getting small. "Oh my gosh!" She squeals, pretending to sip the tea.

I look to Harry and whisper softly, "did we get her a Santa present yet?"

He shakes his head, "no, do you think this will do?"

"Can we get it??? For the little girl???" I shake my head. "Pleeeeease?"

"I think we have enough for the little girl. Here, I'm gonna goto the washroom while daddy checks out. Wanna come?" She sighs and stands up, walking over then taking my hand.

As soon as we walk off I look over to see Harry struggling to find a store worker who can help him get it to the car before Annie sees.

We arrive home and Harry sneaks off to the garage to wrap Annie's Santa present up then joins us in the living room for a group effort of wrapping. "So you love it out here or what?" Mom asks, taping down a present and tagging it with the name 'Rebecca.'

I nod, "I can't speak for Harry, but I'm definitely in love!"

"With me or the house?" Harry smirks and I chuck a pair of slippers in his direction. Of course, I miss.

"The house, idiot." I shake my head and Annie blurts out a laugh cause I 'used a bad word'

"Well, I'm in love too. And not with just the house."

My mom touches her heart and looks over at my father who is smiling back at her. "Remember when we were like that?"

"We still are." And my dad kisses my moms cheek.

"Have you talked to Austin?" My eyes dart to Harry.


"It's just a question." He shrugs.

I narrow my eyes. After what my brother had done I had no intention on talking to him... Yet Harry did? "Um, well to answer your question, no we haven't. So neither of you have to worry about it."

I look back over in the direction of my parents. As much as I hated Austin for what he did, and I never personally wanted to talk to him, he was my brother. And it would be nice to know how he was doing.


"What was that?" It's the first thing that comes out of my mouth when I feel Harry enter the room.

"What?" He calls back.

I shimmy out of my long sleeve and change into a t shirt. "That Austin thing." I swallow hard and cross my arms. "There was no reason to bring him up."

"I wanted to know if he had talked to your parents. What's wrong with that?"

"A lot."

"If you don't remember, your parents were my friends first. I had a relationship with your dad first, tay."

"Don't tay me." I snarl and walk past him, crawling under the comforter.

"Don't do this now, dear god." He huffs.

I lick my lips. "Austin was an asshole to us if you don't remember correctly."

"He's also your brother." Harry slides rests on the bed. "If we're gonna do this, we have to do it right. I want a family, Taylor. A healthy environment for Annie and for our future kids. I love you. And I just want what's best. Maybe we should reach out to him. Invite him for dinner on Christmas or something."

"He's at school, and if not then with that girlfriend if his. He wouldn't drop that kinda time for me. Someone who he hates right now."

"He doesn't hate you." I stay quiet. "I just think it would be good for you and for him." I flip over in the bed and I feel him kiss my shoulder. "You can think about it, I'll let you sleep on it."


Sorry this is so shitty. I'm trying to extend it to get you guys more chapters but it's hard lol sorry!!!

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