Pre- depressed •part two of pre- diabetic•

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"Babe...whats wrong...?" Y/n sprang up out of her seat and walked to her lover. He sniffled and mouthed 'I'm fine..'. Y/n shook her head no and took his hand. "Tell me.." Y/n said rubbing his knuckles. He bursts into tears and tries to catch his breath.

Y/n holds him in her arms. "Hey, hey, hey shhhh baby tell me whats wrong." Y/n says as she sat him on the couch. She rubbed his frail shoulder and gave him a look of concern.

"They don't like it..." He says

"What, the album?"

He nods and sniffles.

"Oh honey, that always happens to some artists." Y/n said as she rubbed his back.

"It's not only thats! They say "oh Patrick we liked you better fat, you're horrible now." I strained myslef for this body and for that album, its hard enough to hear that while I get booed off stage!" He yelled.

Y/n looked down. She doesn't know what to say at all. Patrick sighs and puts his head in his hands. "I...I just wanna make the fans happy...but every album I do it feels like everyone hates it." He sniffled

"Honey, lets just calm down and cuddle...okay?" Y/n said. So they cuddled. Patrick calmed down but thoughts rushed through his head. He's not emotionally stable right now, but he's trying. Whenever you feel down, kick through it. You can do it like Patrick did.

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