Night Time

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A black ceiling covers the sky with bright stars shining above. He held my hand as we walking through a wet field. The wet grass shuttered as a gust of wind passed by. He fixed his platinum blonde hair and sighed, then we stopped walking stopped walking. I looked at him and tilted my head, my hair brushing along my nose. He rubs my knuckles and looks at me. He smiles.

"Hey" he says with a soft voice

"Hi" I said back with a gentle smile creeping on my face. He takes his jacket off and places it on the wet grass. We both sit down on his jacket, making a little squish. I leaned my head on his shoulder and rubbed his soft, pale, chubby arm and kissed his jaw.

He sighed and pressed his nose into my hair. He whispered sweet little nothings into my locks as he ran his fingers through the tough tangles of my hair. I looked up in his gold ringed eyes and rubbed my thumb on his pale cheek. What a nice night.


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