a few years doesn't matter

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  Before I start this Imagine, pats 25, the readers 16. If you don't feel comfortable with this please skip.

- Patrick's pov -

I tap the glass table and take a sip of my coffee. I hold Y/N's hand, she flinches. I'm her mothers friend and she lets me tale care of her while shes gone. I know she likes me. This girls adorable in every way possible. I place my cup down, the ringing of the collision of glass and plastic go through our ears.

I lean in to kiss her. She blushes and finally speaks up.

"W-what if you get in trouble..?" She asks with worry.

I snicker. "Baby no ones home, let me have you~." I kiss down her jaw line and smirk. She moans and kisses me gently. I holds her cheeks with my rough finger tips. Her soft lips mold with mine.  She speaks up. "Patrick, can we do this when I'm older..?" She asks playing with her shirt. I sigh and giggle. "So innocent." I say and hug her

"What if my mom comes home early and sees this..? What if you get arrested..?" She asks again. She asks too many questions. But shes right, shes way too young. I sigh and pull away. That was a close call that night since if I would I would probably be in jail. Her mother came home the time I pulled away. I could've messed her up and me up.

H̤̮i̤̮ t̤̮h̤̮e̤̮r̤̮e̤̮~~ S̤̮o̤̮ i̤̮v̤̮'e̤̮ b̤̮e̤̮e̤̮n̤̮ s̤̮ṳ̮p̤̮e̤̮r̤̮ i̤̮n̤̮a̤̮c̤̮t̤̮i̤̮v̤̮e̤̮ a̤̮n̤̮d̤̮ I̤̮ a̤̮p̤̮o̤̮l̤̮o̤̮g̤̮i̤̮z̤̮e̤̮. S̤̮c̤̮h̤̮o̤̮o̤̮l̤̮s̤̮ f̤̮ṳ̮n̤̮. A̤̮n̤̮y̤̮ r̤̮e̤̮q̤̮ṳ̮e̤̮s̤̮t̤̮s̤̮? I̤̮ c̤̮a̤̮n̤̮ d̤̮o̤̮ s̤̮h̤̮i̤̮p̤̮p̤̮p̤̮p̤̮p̤̮p̤̮s̤̮s̤̮s̤̮s̤̮

Patrick stump imagines  •COMPLETED•जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें