My dads client is my best friend

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A/n-GUESS WHOS BACK, BACK AGAIN. Yay I feel a lot better from the medication and help (thanks STUMP-LOVAAAAA for saying your there when I need you. Thanks lots of that and my friend says he's ugly. Attack her. Okay let's get started.

I sat on my bed watching continuous reruns of sailor moon, probably getting sick of the theme song but hey it's catchy. When the tenth episode of the first season starts the doorbell rings, hooray people. "Its open!" I yelled hoping that the people at the door would hear.

  My father rushed down stairs at sonic speed, (didn't know he had that in him) to be welcomed by his new clients at the studio a band named fall out boy. I went out of my room and peeped down the stairs. The one that caught my eye had a really emo haircut and some eyeliner.

  The guy looked like every kid in high school that had said 'IT'S NOT A PHASE IT'S WHO I AM'. He just reminds me of my friend Gray. There was one buff dude with long hair and tattoos dressing his arms. Then there was a guy with poodle hair, not bad. The other one was...wait I know that face.

  It's my best friend Patrick from school, well high school but he told me he moved to New York, and to this second I know he lied. It's obvious. Doesn't he know my last name? It's their bosses! Okay okay calm your self. I took a silent deep breath and exhaled to get back in shape.

They shook my fathers hand and went to the dinning table with binders and folders. I rushed back into my room as fast as I can and grabbed my phone. I instantly texted my best friend who knows Patrick, Lucy.

Your guys conversations

You: Hey Lucy?
Busty blonde: What's up Nutter butter (that's your nick name to her)
You: Patrick's here. In my house with 3 other dudes.
Busty blonde: What? Didn't he move or some shit?
You: that's what I thought! But he's here and to my guess he's in a band and since my father works for a record company i think they are!
Busty blonde: I'm coming over. Okay?
You: fiiiiiiine.

I set down my phone and waiting for Lucy's arrival.

~leh time skip~
While the group was still talking I heard a quick melody come from the door. So I rushed down stairs at lighting speed.and opened the door. I grabbed her wrist and rushed back upstairs with her. We stormed into my room. We sat down on the bed, staring at each other while we heard the boys voice echo through the house.

"Oh he's here." Exclaimed Lucy

"Oh yeah he is." I chirped.

"You gonna talk to him?"

I froze. Every single time I see Patrick, face to face makes me freeze up and get anxious if I do anything stupid. Well it happens all the time and I always say something dumb. Like me in every conversation but more dumb. I shrugged.

Me and Lucy catches up on are day and still talking about how Patrick lied to us. But the. The unexpected happened

"My office is up here boys." My dad spoke
And his office is right next to my room. Shit. Me and Lucy exchanged glances and then we heard..

"Your welcome to stay for dinner tonight."

And that's the part that got me. Lucy looked like she was gonna brake down laughing. She had a huge smirk knitted on her face but her eyebrows showing a little hint of concern. Just a little, LITTLE. I'm gonna lose my fucking mind. I think I'm having a panic attack. Feels like it. Or I'm being myself,still don't know the difference.

So they headed into my dads office. Can I die right now? I wish. I look back at Lucy she's in la la land. She has that look in her face. The face of mischief. Well shit, she's planning something. A few hours later of hearing, the bangs of the drums drift in the air with a soft echo. The bass was easily played, almost hearing the vibrations go out. The guitar with its stunning sound like birds singing a low melody in tune you would wake up to.

The vocals carefully drifting to high aggressive and tough to the softest touch test the singer slurring his words making me hear the voice more. Lucy tapped my shoulder. My head snapped towards her direction. What I saw on her face was a big sign saying, 'I'm gonna fuck your day up'. The boys came out of the room with the instruments in hand and walked down the stairs.

Lucy grabbed my wrist towards the stairs as we hid behind the wall right next to it.
"So? What are we gonna do!?" I whispered yelled. "Oh we're gonna screw him up." She whispered back ,sassily flipping her long blonde in the process. "What then?!" I whispered back. "Okay so pretend we didn't know they were here. So why don't we go down stairs and make them notice us. And since the living room, Aka second bedroom is right next to the dinning room, they can notice us." She states clearly

"I have a problem with this plan. I generally don't like people noticing me and making this embarrassing since I haven't seen them in a long time. And when their hiding something, it raises the awkward scale to a hundred." I said shivering at the fact that she's dragging me into this. Lucy looks at me direction with a serious face on

"Where doing it."

Well shit Lucy didn't know you were the decision maker. She snatches my wrist and silently go down the stairs. The boys haven't noticed us yet, yay. Since the tables a bit far away but in the same room, it has a small opening like a corridor but still established as the same room. So Lucy being Lucy and not sticking to the plan we go into the kitchen and sit down at the counter.

"Why?!?" I whisper yell. "What I'm hungry?!?" She responds. She's takes out a packet of double stuffed Oreos and goes to town with them.

Patrick's pov.~~~~

I went to the bathroom and heard HER god damn voice. Who you ask? It's Y/N.
The girl I like and I never gained the confidence to tell her so I met my bandmates and became a band. I didn't want to seem like a jerk and say 'hey I'm going off on my own and it's my choice.' So I said I was moving.

But very dumb and stupid mistake she's probably knows because I'm in her house and Lucy's with her. And know she's probably thinks I'm a grade A asshole. I hear the girls talking in the kitchen and it held the sight of Lucy stuffing her face, and all that fat going to her boobs and Y/N eating a tub of ice cream.

I see Y/N shift her gaze and it landed on me... well shit. Her head snapped towards Lucy's and blurted out she needs to use the washroom. She jogged out of the room.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. Her voice was like thunder strong and fast but eventually it will die out. It cracked and it started to become silent. I looked at her, tears dwelling in her eyes. I bombarded her with the tight embrace. She cries into the crook of my neck as I rub her back. SHES lets go of the hug and looks me in the eyes.

"Your an asshole. We'll talk about it later mister." She says jokingly. I press my hand onto her cheek. Her eyes blown up as her face turns into a living tomato. Her eyes soften and awaits for what's coming. I slowly press my lips on hers and it felt like heaven.


Fuck you to pete.

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