Ch.25 ~ Ranunculus

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Ranunculus - Radiant charm 


Listen to Lana Del Rey's 'Young and Beautiful' for the chorus because that music is the mood I was going for when writing this. Or maybe just any song that makes you really emotional in a good way. 


Yoongi had seen many beautiful things in his life. Sunsets. Flowers. Jimin's smile. So much of the world was filled with beauty and it was never-ending. But what he hadn't seen was something he didn't realise he had been waiting to see his entire life. 

As Jimin moved his body around the room, sweat glistening on his forehead and arms, the rest of the world exploded into colour that only existed to amplify Jimin's movements. Jimin who was moving with incredible speed and grace; arms stretching in all directions and feet drawing patterns along the wooden floor that seemed to mirror the boy's very image as though he was dancing on water. 

His mouth wouldn't close. His eyes couldn't stay dry. Yoongi's heart felt like it was going to shatter from all of the awe he was feeling as he watched Jimin dance. It was magical - real magic that created a rosy hue which filled the room as Jimin glided through the air with such magnificence that it put every flower Yoongi had ever seen to shame. 

Eventually Jimin slowed his moments as the song started to lull, the lyrics dying out. The other boy stood still for a few moments, his chest heaving with heavy breaths. Yoongi couldn't see Jimin's face but if he could he knew the tears that threatened to fall probably would. His emotions were barely contained and the paper-thin wall stopping them all from overflowing was so fragile. Yet just as he thought so, Jimin looked up at where Yoongi sat cross-legged against the wall of mirrors and what Yoongi saw made the tears finally fall. Jimin's eyes were so bright and full of contentment that struck Yoongi in a place so deep inside that it made his heart clench. Cheeks flushed, Jimin's expression instantly became worried and he rushed over to crouch before Yoongi. 

"Yoongi, what's wrong? Did..did you not like it?" Jimin questioned in a voice that was unusually quiet. 

"I-it's not that, it's just - Jimin's you're so beautiful and I- Oh gosh that was the most amazing thing I've ever seen," Yoongi sniffed and wiped at his eyes, "I think I just fell in love with you all over again, more and more with every second you danced" 

Yoongi wondered if he should feel embarrassed for being so bold. But Jimin's dance had moved him so much and he had felt so much emotion because of it that when Yoongi had seen Jimin's face and the look of completeness there, it had filled Yoongi with more love than he thought was possible. 

Jimin's cheeks grew even more pink as he fought against a smile that split open his face. But Yoongi saw that he couldn't do it and so in the end they both ended up grinning at each other with eyes so bright that they could light up a room. 

"You're so perfect, Jimin" Yoongi said, words filled with compassion. 

"Thank you, Yoongi," He kissed him, "Thank you so much." 


This was the first time Jimin had showed Yoongi his dancing. It's something he loves doing and was his own secret, very much like Yoongi's garden. So Jimin showing Yoongi is Jimin also accepting every part of himself like Yoongi has started doing. 

- I have another chapter with Bambam written out but when I listened to Young and Beautiful I just had to write this one and post it first so even if it isn't very good I like it because Lana's music makes things seem wonderful 

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