Ch.6 ~ Hyacinth

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Hyacinth- Sincerity 

Yoongi's POV

"You look cute"

Yoongi took a few seconds to think, to understand what Jimin had just said with his oh-so-lovely voice. When it came to him, when he realised that Jimin had just called him cute, he felt his face burn rapidly and his heart begin to beat a rhythm he hadn't felt before. He crawled off of the bed and stood up opposite Jimin.

"I-Wha..Cute?" Yoongi squeaked out after his stuttering attempts at asking a real question.

Jimin smiled, not his usual smile he shared with the corridor swarms, but a smile that reached his eyes and made Yoongi feel slightly dizzy. But it wasn't just that, no, there was something else, something that Yoongi felt he had to figure out. 

Yoongi's eyes then moved down and he couldn't help but notice how soft Jimin's skin looked and how plump his lips looked, the thought making him wonder what it would feel like to-

"Um" Jimin's voice broke Yoongi from his trance.

It was then that he realised how close he was to the orange-haired boy, their noses were nearly touching and Yoongi could feel the comforting warmth radiating from the boy. 

"Ah..I'm sorry" Yoongi moved back a couple of steps from where he was leaning towards Jimin. He felt a small sense of confidence fill him and was glad he was no longer stuttering. 

"Mm, it's ok" Jimin replied with yet another kind of smile, one revealing more of the current feeling swirling in his stomach at the sight of a flushed Yoongi on his bed. 

Yoongi cleared his throat, "thank you for helping me. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't"

"Its fine. But that reminds me, are you ok?" Jimin replied, his expression now resembling that of a concerned parent, the mood changing completely.

"A little sore.." Yoongi admitted, he winced as he sat up properly, "I-I should probably head back home"

Jimin was silent for a moment, disappointment painting his features before he shook it off with a smile. It was Yoongi's turn to be disappointed, he was back to receiving Jimin's usual smile, one not nearly as bright as the one he had the pleasure of seeing. It paled it comparison. 

"Want me to walk you?" he offered as they both got up. 

"Um, could you?" Yoongi said as he looked down at his attire and thought over the fact that he had no idea where he was.

Jimin nodded happily, his hair bouncing around his head, "Let's go!" 


Jimin's POV

Walking back to the boy's house from Jimin's was silent, awkwardly so if Jimin had to admit. Though luckily, by the time they were ready to go, the boy's clothes had dried enough for him to wear them again and from there they set off. 

Jimin was disappointed to say the least. He wanted to spend a little more time together before they parted.

"This is me" the boy said as he looked back to a house similar to those around it, two floors and a red door, but this house had a wall of leaves and flowers decorating the front of it. Pretty.

They said nothing more as the boy turned and walked up to the door, but before he could enter Jimin called out to him.

"What's your name?" 

The boy turned around and with a shy smile he replied, "Yoongi. My name is Yoongi"


I'm quite happy with this chapter, maybe it got a little fuzzy towards the end, but I like it :)

Not sure if I made it clear (my memory is awful), but Yoongi and Jimin as well as the rest of Bangtan and Got7 are all the same age unless I've stated otherwise. 

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