Ch. 23 ~ Queen Anne's Lace

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Queen Anne's Lace - Sanctuary 

(It was hard to find a definite meaning of this flower, but I read somewhere about it representing sanctuary so I went with that) 


The sun was high in the sky and sending down rays of warmth towards the green grass and life that came from between the blades. Rather than being too hot, a cool breeze brought relief as it blew over Yoongi's light golden skin. Below his fingertips the petals felt smooth and fortunately not dry from the heat. Feeling light, he had removed his shoes early on after arriving at the school garden and now he felt the grass tickling his feet with a softness that could only come from nature. 

Yoongi felt at peace. The air he breathed in was fresh and, as a result from the dozens of flowers, it was also sweet. His palms remained dry and his heart held a steady beat that gracefully accompanied the swishing sounds of flowers as the breeze pushed them back and forth. The near silence and solitude brought him great happiness that he felt only there, for that garden that only few knew about, Yoongi felt free to be every bit of himself without fear. 

It was wonderful. 

Sometimes he thought about inviting Jimin to come with him. He could show the other boy what flowers were growing there and even teach him how to care for them so that they could look after the garden together. The thought of it made the tips of his ears tingle with warmth. Park Jimin was the only other thing other than the times he spent in the garden that made him feel truly happy. 

So maybe he would talk to the other boy tomorrow like he always did, but instead of the usual things they would do, Yoongi would take Jimin by the hand and lead him through the maze-like corridors that he had now mastered and they would both take their shoes off and listen to their hearts beating in unison along with the music of flowers. 

However, some of that serenity and peace that blanketed the garden disappeared the second Yoongi heard stones crunch underfoot. Someone was coming. Turning around, Yoongi waited for the person approaching to enter the garden. No sooner than 5 seconds later the sound of shoes against stones stopped - whoever was coming was now onto the grass. Yoongi's heart pulsed violently in his chest. Even though it was the communal school garden it was only him and two teacher's that really took notice of this place and put any effort in. So the fact that somebody was coming here was so rare and unexpected that.. Well, Yoongi didn't know what to do now that somebody was coming. So he braced himself and pushed away the anxiety that tried to wrap itself around him. 

And then that person came into sight and Yoongi's heart stopped. 


So I'm hoping to study creative writing later this year but I just feel that I'm not good enough, like the other people will be so advanced and I can't even be satisfied enough with what I write to share them with you all who read these fanfictions where I get lots of support. So I just wrote this now and I would like your honest opinions please.. 

(I'm probably going to post the next chapter to this tonight or tomorrow) 

Petals [Yoonmin]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon