Cartr Carum and Elx Condour join Facebook!?

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Galen Marek updated his status: Aw man, Diseny made my story non canon :(

120000 like this.


Ben Skywalker: Don't worry, Jaina, Jacen, Anakin (Solo) and I are no longer canon either.

Galen Marek: Oh yeah, y'all have a great story too!

Ben Slywalker: Dude, your story is legendary, your like a hero.

Jaina Solo: You started the rebellion

Anakin Solo: You can force choke, force push, force lightning, force repulse, and are extremely strong. You survived a stab through the stomach with a lightsaber.

Galen Marek: How do you know this???

Anakin Solo: Oh I played the video games that your the star of.

Galen Marek: I have a video game!?

Anakin Solo: Yeah! The first one was amazing! But the second was a little too easy...

Galen Marek: Hey... I can't help it.

Anakin Solo: Yeah, just blame Disney.

Galen Marek: I sense a powerful friendship growing between us...

Jaina Solo: #GalAkin

Anakin Solo: What's this ^

Galen Marek: Don't tell me...

Jaina Solo: Its y'all's ship name!

Anakin Solo: ...

Galen Marek: ... Quick Anakin, run before the Fangirls come!

Star Wars Fangirls: #OTP #OTP

Galen Marek: I warned you...


Yoda updated his status: We will never be able to defeat this selfie empire...

103 like this.


Darth Sidious: Yes, you hall never defeat us!

Ahsoka Tano: To be honest you just defeated yourself with that ugly selfie you posted...

Darth Sidious: AGH! You take that back or I will hate on your profile!

Ahsoka Tano: Ohhhhhh, I'm so scarred.

Darth Sidous: Good, fear me.

Ki Adi Mundi: I'm 99 percent sure that was sarcasm

Darth Sidious: What's the one percent?

Ki Adi Mundi: Oh, just random thoughts flowing through me.

Darth Sidous: Like what?

Ki Adi Mundi: Tacoes.

Darth Sidious:.....


Cartr Carum posted: Hey Star Wars Galaxy. My Padawan and I are new here! Elx Condour.

16 like this


Anakin Skywalker: Who exactly are you...?

Cartr Carum: Ugh, no one knows us. Well I'm a OC, so is my apprentice Elx.

Elx Condour: Yep :D

Anakin Skywalker: So your overly crazy?

Ahsoka Tano: Master! Be nice, and btw OC means Original character.

Anakin Skywalker: Ohhhhhhhh... So they're not real?

Cartr Carum: I'm as real as you are.

Anakin Skywalker: He's confusing me!!!

Cartr Carum: Just go read my story one Wattpad and you may understand.

Anakin Skywalker: Eh, I'm very busy but I may if I have time. What is it called?

Cartr Carum: It's called Star Wars: Outcast, it's about me and my apprentice surviving order 66 and battling the empire but it's not completed yet.

Ahsoka Tano: Wow! That sounds good, but what are you talking about with Order 66 and the Empire.

Anakin Skywalker: Yeah what do y'all mean?

Cartr Carum: Well Anakin, you become _____ _____

Anakin Skywalker: What!? a grand master!?

Cartr Carum: I cannot say anymore, if I do I will destroy the whole time system thingy.

Ahsoka Tano: What?

Cartr Carum: We can no longer be here. I'm sorry. But I must go.


Cartr Carum has deleted his account.


Elx Condour has deleted his account.

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