The Skywalker Family Christmas

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Author's note: This takes place in a alternate Universe where Padmé and Anakin got to live happily ever after and raise their kids and etc. Luke and Leia are 11. Also Obi-Wan is considered to be their uncle and Ahsoka their aunt, not together of course... Also, this chapter won't follow my ussual style or format, don't worry, I guarantee most people will like it.

Padmé Skywalker uploaded 4 photos. We are finally done decorating! The house looks great! Thanks to a very special Jedi Anakin Skywalker.

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Anakin Skywalker: Oh it was nothing ;)

Padmé Skywalker: Thanks dear :)

Luke Skywalker: Hey! I helped too!

Leia Skywalker: That's not how I remember it...

Luke Skywalker: How do you remember it then!?

Leia Skywalker: Well it all started in a galaxy far far away.

Luke Skywalker: Omg Leia we don't have time for all this. Just get to it.

Leia Skywalker: Oh yeah, well anyways, I remember you getting tangled in strands of lights and you even got your head stuck in a wreath!

Luke Skywalker: Well you dared me to do it!

Padmé Skywalker: Well Luke if someone told you to jump off a Tatooine cliff would you?

Luke Skywalker: Idk maybe...

Padmé Skywalker: LUKE

Anakin Skywalker: He takes after me :')

Leia's Letter to Santa.

Dear Santa, I'm not asking for much for Christmas. I'll keep it simple. I would like a new blaster, preferably a DL-44 blaster pistol, but I can make anything work. I would also like my own hair styling products because I am tired of these hair styles my mom gives me... Thank you.
Leia Skywalker.

Luke's letter to Santa.

Dear Santa, For Christmas I want quite a bit. First I would like some Force Awakens tickets. Oh and totally off topic but I say anyone who spoils The Force Awakens should be put on the naughty list immediately. Aside from that I would also like one of those model T-16 skyhoppers I saw in the Naboo shop a few weeks ago. Also, please please PLEASE, I want a lightsaber.
Luke Skywalker.

Anakin's Letter to Santa.

Dear Santa, What's up with you? It's been forever since we've spoken. I just hope I didn't disappoint you with my choice to leave the order. You know my reasoning. Besides, the galaxy is finally at peace, I can raise my family. So all I want for Christmas is for you to come over for Christmas, see the family.
Your Brother, Anakin.
Padmé's letter to Santa.

Dear Santa, I don't want anything for Christmas. I just want my husband to be happier. It's not our relationship, he just needs a friend. His old friend. I understand Jedi business probaly got in the way but you two need to get together, for our family. Come back to being Uncle Ben.
A Good Friend, Padmé.

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