Name Swap?

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Fives posted a picture.

Spirit of Hardcase likes this.


Fives: R.I.P Brother, You sacrificed yourself for the Republic.

Spirit of Hardcase: I WISH I WAS STILL ALIVE :( :'(

Trooper Jesse: Hardcase! I miss your attitude!

Spirit of Hardcase: I miss saying "TIME TO LOCK AND LOAD." :'(

Spirit of Echo: Do y'all not miss me?

Spirit of Hevy: Or me?

Commander Colt: Hey! I died too!

Spirit of Ehco: So, you where killed so easily...

Spirit of Hevy: Yeah at least out up a fight.

Commander Colt: Excuse me, you weren't there. So be quiet.

Spirit of Hevy: Right, but I watched it on the tv in clone heaven.

Commander Colt: Clone Heaven? Why am I not there?

Spirit of Hardcase: You didn't do anything heroic...

Commander Colt: :( :'(


Count Dooku posted: Sorry for not being on, I GOT HACKED!!! I took care of it though :) -Feeling Victorious.

Nute Gunray, Jango Fett, and five others like this .


Jango Fett: How did you get it back?

Count Dooku: Oh... Well. I tracked him down and cut him up into a million pieces.

Nute Gunray: Um, you killed one of the guys on my ship... It was a joke.

Count Dooku: It wasn't funny! And I'm not sorry.

Nute Gunray: O_O

Count Dooku: That's right.


Nute Gunray posted: Hehe, Dooku here! I hacked Nute!

Jango Fett, Darth Maul, and Darth Vader like this.

Darth Maul: CHANGE HIS NAME!!!

Darth Vader: What he said! ^

Nute is dead: How is this?

Darth Vader: Comon. Try harder.

Nute is dead: Fine.

*five minutes later*

Nute Poopyhead: How is this ?:3

Darth Vader: Is this youngling school?

Nute Poopyhead: :/ I'm not good at this.

Darth Maul: I can tell.


Darth Cake posted a picture!

500 + like this.


Darth Cake: It's national change your name day!

Miley Cyrus: I changed my name and picture !

Anakitten Skystalker: Snips? Are you Miley Cyrus?

Batsnips: No.... I'm right here.

Anakitten Skystalker: Padme? Is that you?

Perfume and Pancakes: No, I'm here honey.

Anakitten: Alright, Perfume.


Pew Pew Pew: No dad, I'm right here.

Anakitten Skystalker: MILEY CYRUS TELL US WHO YOU ARE.

Miley Cyrus: ....

Perfume and Pancakes: LUKE?

Indiana Luke: No mom.

Batsnips: Obi-Wan?

Indiana Kenobi: No guys. Luke and I are hunting waffles, we ain't got time to be Miley Curus.

Anakitten Skystalker: OH MAH GOD. I AM TIRED OF THIS.


Anakitten Skystalker has blocked Miley Cyrus.


*day later*


R2-D2 posted: Yay! Name back to normal, but why had Anakin blocked me?

Derp likes this.


Anakin Skywalker: Wait, your Miley Cyrus?

R2-D2: Yes :3

Anakin Skywalker: Let me guess, you came in like a wrecking ball.

R2-D2: I'm about to:3


To be continued.


Oh my, you know this is funny when you crack yourself up.

And these nicknames came from Instagram! well most of them.

Indiana Luke- @Lukeskywalkersw

Indiana Kenobi- @Jedi_master_kenobi (Me :D)

Anakitten Skystalker- Jedi_knight_anakin

Batsnips- @Ahsokaxtano

And the others are made up :P

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