The Solo Hunt.

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Boba Fett posted: Going to track down Solo for the fifth time..... -On Tatooine

Jabba The Hutt and 4 others like this.


Han Solo: Sucks for you, I'm on Hoth....

Boba Fett: :;(


Boba Fett checked in at Hoth.

Boba Fett posted: Ive searched this whole piece of ice and no Solo!

Luke Skywalker likes this.


Han Solo: Yeah... um.... I went to Endor...

Boba Fett: -_- I'm almost out of fuel in the Slave 1...

Han Solo: :3


Boba Fett posted: Just landed on Endor, barely any fuel left :/

Wicket W. Warrick likes this.


Wicket W.: Nub nub! (Enjoy your stay!)

Boba Fett: Just tell me where Solo is..

Han Solo: Uh.... I've been lying... this whole time I was on Tatooine...

Boba Fett: FOR REAL?!?!?

Han Solo: :3


Han Solo posted: The fat slug is retarded!! I'm at his front door!!! LOL just left a bag of Bantha poop at the door. LOL

Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, and 56 others like this.


Lando Calrissian: You get him dude!

Princess Leia: That's why you didn't want to go out to eat!!!!? You told me you where sick!!!

Han Solo: Uh........

Luke Skywalker: Leia, we could go out to dinner.

Princess Leia: No.

Luke Skywalker: :;(


Luke Skywalker posted: Leia won't go to dinner with me!!!!!!!!

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Wedge Antilles: Dude she's your sister, you can't date her.

Luke Skywalker: I DON'T WANT TO DATE HER.

Wedge Antilles: That's what it sounds like.

C-3P0: I will go with you.

Luke Skywalker: Anyone but you.

Anakin Skywalker: Hey! That is your brother!!

Luke Skywalker: How!?

Anakin Skywalker: I made him out of Legos when I was 5......

Luke Skywalker: I don't believe that but ok... I will go...


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