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Mace Windu Posted: Chillin in the temple.

Yoda and 700 others like this.


Count Dooku: For real. Who cares?

Mace Windu: I don't know, my fans?

Count Dooku: Fans? What universe are you in? 0_O

Mace Windu: Hey I got fans!

Count Dooku: Yeah about as much as that one battle droid that Jar-Jar destroyed in The Phantom Menace.

Mace Windu: Oh now I'm angry!

Count Dooku: Watcha gonna do? Meditate?

Yoda: Cyber bullying this is, funny it is.

Mace Windu: Yoda! I thought you where on my side!

Yoda: Like Mandalore I am, neutral.

Satine Kryze: Hey buddy don't bring Mandalore into this.

Yoda: Sorry I am not



58 like this


Ahsoka Tano: Man, he loves his money

Anakin Skywalker: Yep, he does.

Yoda: But greedy he is.

Hondo Ohnaka: Greedy? I'm a pirate, I don't even know that means!

Darth Maul: For real, you need some new lines.


SW Creators: Were sorry. We will make it up.... In a way.

Hondo Ohnaka: Credits are nice.

SW Creators: No.


Ezra has joined Facebook.

Hera had joined Facebook.

Sabine had joined Facebook.

Zeb has joined Facebook.

Kanan has joined Facebook.

Chopper has joined Facebook.


Ezra posted: Hey everyone! I'm new to the Star Wars galaxy!!

Hera, Zeb, Sabine, Chopper, And Kanan like this.

Darth Maul: Where exactly do y'all fit in?

Ezra: Between the third and fourth movies.

Darth Maul: Hey I fit there too! Once I was sent to kill Luke on Tatooine. But somebody...

Luke Skywalker: YOU TRYED TO KILL ME?!?!?

Obi Wan: Don't worry, I killed him.

Darth Maul: Luke, to be honest your on every Sith's kill list.

Ezra: :O


Sabine posted a picture:

Ezra, Hera and Princess Leia like this.


Ezra: Wow Sabine! Your art amazes me!

Hera: I think the Ghost needs a new paint job.

Sabine: I'm on it!

Darth Vader: Hey! Don't paint on dead Stormtroopers! Do you know how much they cost!?

Kanan: How much?

Darth Vader: 5 credits.

Ezra: 5? Really? I made more than that at my lemonade stand when I was a kid.


Chopper posted: I hate everything.

No one likes this.


Ezra: Mad?

Hera: Who messed with you?

Ahsoka Tano: Your like the grumpy cat of Star Wars!!!

Chopper: No. I'm coming to kill you now.

Ahsoka Tano: :O why!?!? I'm a friend.

Chopper: Be quiet! Your not even in this show.

Hera: CHOPPER! YOUR GROUNDED. @Ahsoka Tano, I'm so sorry. He's.... Grumpy almost 24/7....

Ahsoka Tano: Haha, bad motivator?


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