Ithos's grinn widdened as he enveloped his prickly wife in a hug, she had a sharp tongue but he knew her worry was real. "Then I need to remind ye why the husband ye got is the best in the village" and gave her a long kiss. Berin whooped while Ceric grinned. Even the Ryion and Isthan peeked out and giggled. Hearing their giggles, Myrai broke their kiss and thumped her husband on the chest, "Behave, ye old whollop."

He chuckled, "I was bringing home our new daughter. I found her in the forest, all alone. I thought after all these years of ye complaining that I only bring home boys, ye'd like another girl to keep ye company." Myrai's eyes widened as she looked at Cybelline. The child had a boy's tunic and a boy's haircut, coupled with her flat chest she had thought Cybelline was a boy.

Cybelline looked at Myrai's confused expression, she put down her fork, "If it's too much trouble, I can leave. Ithos has done more than enough, I don't want to impose."

"Nonsense." Myrai cut her off briskly, "This is yer home. When yer grown and can take care of yerself, ye can do whatever ye want. But now child, yer mine to care for."

She glared at her husband, "The village says that soon we're going to have to start our own town. Now, I don't mind if ye bring home children. But will ye at least let me know beforehand so I can prepare?"

Ithos guffawed, "But ye do so well already with the the notice I give ye"

Myrai pinched her husband lightly, "Ye old breadstick." He only grinned and gave her another peck on the cheek.

At that moment Berin carried in a child who rubbed her eyes sleepily, Ceric took her little hand, "Miri, this is your new sister." The little girl looked at Cybelline, smiled, and then hid her face in the crook of Berin's neck.

Myrai smiled, "That's my five year old daughter. She's got all her older brothers wrapped around her fingers."

At that moment Ithos had also gotten up and took hold of Miri, "How's my little princess today? And swooped for a kiss on her cheek. Laughing, the five year old girl swatted at the old man's pepper face with her chubby toddler palms, "Pa, tickles!" She laughed.

Ithos guffawed and Myrai smiled, "She's got her Pa eatin' out of the palm of her hands a well." At that moment Ithos was happily taking Miri's little slaps on his weathered face as she giggled gleefully.

Cybelline watched the family share the moment.She grew up in a place without family, her life depended on being emotionally detached. Watching them share the moment was like feeling the loss of a limb she didn't know she ever had in the beginning. It was too sudden and unexpected.

A small hand found it's way on top of hers and she looked down. Ryion took hold of her hand and gave her a smile, one of his teeth was missing. She smiled back at Ryion.

Myrai came back and ruffled Ryion's hair, "Now, girlie go get yerself cleaned. I'll have a dress fer ye when yer done."

Cybelline smiled, "Actually, I'd prefer men's cloths if you have it."

"Cyd and I've discussed it." Ithos told his wife, "When villagers ask where she's from, we can say she's a solider boy from one of the neighborin' countries. It's much easier to explain how she came back with me that way. Very few women venture into the forest, and I'm worried they'll ask questions."

"But what about in a couple of years when she's grown. She looks about twelve now" Myrai asked, her eyes full of worry, "In a few years people will know."

"If it's a problem, we'll move. We've done it before." Ithos smiled, "Fer now, let's all treat Cyd as a boy."

Myrai sighed, "Of all the crackbrained schemes ye'd come up with." She smiled at Cybelline, "No matter, go get cleaned, I'll bring ye some old clothes."

Isthan and Ryion lead her upstairs, "Ye can wash here." Ryion said shyly. Isthan nodded but said nothing. Cybelline thanked them and closed the door. The bath was cramped but comfortable. After three months on the road, she couldn't even remember what hot water felt like.

Cybelline sank into the water and scrubbed until she was pink all over. Once again, she studied the imprint of the ring on her hand. She had shown Ithos her hand and asked if he had seen anything but he only shook his head.

In the sunlight, the feint traces of the ring was clearly visible to her, the twist of the roots seemed like a tattoo around her middle finger.

Cybelline stared hard at the ring, "What's your secret?" she asked quietly. The ring flared.

In that single moment, she was transported. Her nose filled with the scents of  wildflowers fields and fruit trees orchards. Her ears heard the rush, trickle, and flow of mighty rivers and the gentle lapping of great lakes which seemed like a basin containing all the constellations in the sky.

On the song of the winds, she was carried to the base of mountains ranges that rumbled with volcanic explosions and then to other grand mountains that calmly held court in the land of ice and snow.

Like an eagle, she road the thermals of canyons spanning from one edge of the sky to the other. She only left to observe the wide flat land of the prairie on which tall grasses gracefully danced in the clashes of thunder and lightning.

And in the middle of everything, a grand tree, larger than Everest, whose branches rose up and touched the sky towered above all, its multicolored leaves seemingly able to cover all corners of the earth.

This beautiful and fantastic world that was so loudly alive, was so very, very devoid of the living. But the message was was clear.

We are waiting.

Cybelline opened her eyes and gasped. The water from the tub splashed onto the floor as if she had just fallen back into the tub.

"Cyd, yer new clothes are outside." Myrai called, "Come out when yer ready and one of the twins will lead ye to yer new room."

Cybelline took a deep breath, "Be out soon!" She looked back at the ring and concentrated. Nothing happened. Cybelline frowned and tried until the water in the tub began to cool.

Finally she smiled, "I must be crazy." She must have imagined it, the silent but beautiful world that no one lived in.

Dark Queen: The Cybelline PropheciesWhere stories live. Discover now