Orange is the new black

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It's been so long guys! But I haven't really had the desire to write. It's obvious this story is not interesting to a lot of you so I mean I think I'm just gana stop because it's not like I'm getting anything out of it.

But here's the next chapter. Comment if you want, vote if u want. It probably won't make a difference in telling you guys to do it.


Harry's POV:

I hadn't been here but 3 hours and some of these people were getting on my nerves.

There was this one guy named Big Tony. Well that's what they call him anyway. He was like the leader of the inmates. If he said stand, you stand. If he said sit, you sit. If he said jump off a bridge, you jump off the fucking bridge.

You get me?

And on top of being stuck with sweaty, smelly rapists all day I was forced to go to a therapist for the prisoners who were "Special people who have things they need to talk about and clear of their minds". Like that's seriously what they told me.

They called me special.

Anyway I talked to Blaze. She's on her way.(I hope)

I could've called Niall.

Not really sure why I didn't choose my best friend over someone I met a month ago but I mean oh well. It's not like Niall would do anything. Not really sure why I told her I would tell her about my past. But it was a good trick, don't you think?

I met my roommate; just about pissed myself.

I discovered that the food in jail really does taste like it looks.

So yep. That's pretty much it for the update.

About 20 minutes ago a guard came to my cell and personally escorted me to the court yard of the facility which was where everyone went to hang out. Some stood and talked to each other and some stood alone.

I was one of the loners.

It kind of felt like the first day of school when all your friends went different paths and you were the only one who went to a different school. And so everyone else has their group of friends and you're the one that sits alone at the lunch table.

I hate that feeling.


Rose's POV:

"It's a story for another time." I told Liam, "And it's not really my place to tell you."

"You said he let her get killed-"

"I know what I said!" I hit the dashboard of his car.

I know this wasn't the time to be losing my tempter but I couldn't help it. I was stressed out. I was lucky I wasn't crying at the moment.

"Blaze, you're asking me to take you to a jail... And you won't explain why. Can't you see why I'm curious?" He asked, glancing over.

I took a deep breath.

"Why don't you come with me and ask him yourself if you're so curious? I'm sure he'd be happy to tell you." I suggested.

He laughed but I could tell it was cold. "Um no thanks. Criminals aren't really my kind if people."

"And you think they're mine?" I scowled at him.


"Just shut up." I demanded.

The rest of the car ride was silent. I think I may have hurt his feelings, though.

I could see the sign for the county jail exit on the side of the road where I was looking out of my window.

"Have you ever been to a jail before?" I asked Liam softly, suddenly unsure of my decision.

"Now that is a stupid question. Why would I ever need to go to a jail? We've been over this."

I looked at him.

"I'm going to kill you." I stated.

"Not if harry kills me first."

"You're not funny."

"Take a joke." He rolled his eyes, getting off on the exit and making a right at the stop light.

"So why are you doing this for him?" Liam rounded on me as we drove along the vacant road, "I thought you said he was an asshole."

I rested my head against the window, "He is."

Silence filled the car with my answer which seemed to give me time to think why I was really doing this.

"He offered me a deal." I shrugged it off, "a deal I couldn't refuse."

"So like a promise?" He wondered.

I sighed, "Yes like a promise."

I had a feeling I knew where this conversation was going but I didn't dare to ask.

How would I know if Harry would keep his promise? What if he bailed on me?

Well I guess it's a risk I was willing to take.

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