Boys: can't live with them, can't live without them

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Authors note:

Okay guys please please please don't be ghost readers. I work really hard each and every week to write this book for you and what's the use writing if I don't get feedback? So even if you hated this chapter just tell me. Or if loved it then tell me please. That's all I'm asking.

ily guys


Blaze's POV

I tried to sleep the rest of the night in the guest bedroom.

Yep. That's right. I was the one who had to move.

I moved because I didn't want Harry to see me cry; I wanted to be alone with my sobs.

All those things he said to me, all those feelings he expressed, I had said them to him. I said that to him that day I ran away. I screamed at him.

And now he's telling me these things?! He doesn't have the fucking right! He's a hypocrite!

Thinking about it made my eyes sting more and my head spin.

"Fucking great now I have a headache." I said to the darkness.

There was no way I was going back to sleep at this point. It was....almost 2 o'clock already and for some reason it was way to hot in this room.

I threw the covers off of my body, clenching my hands at my sides and unclenching them, finding out I was in fact very clammy.

I sniffled, wiping my nose on the back of my sleeve.

Well I might as well do something instead of laying here and wasting time mopping over myself.

Harry's POV

Well I didn't mean to make her cry.


And I felt terrible about it but I wasn't going to admit that out loud so I settled for burying my face in her soft pillow and taking deep breaths.

I've thought about going and apologizing, I mean of COURSE I have.

I've apologized so many times I wonder where her breaking point would be; maybe tonight.

I don't remember her telling me any of the things in told her. But I could have gotten them from her I guess. I just don't remember at all.

Fatigue from tonight finally started to make my brain and it's thoughts drowsy.

Before I knew what was happening my eyes drifted shut with sleep and darkness took over my mind.


I woke up to the birds outside the window chirping and fluttering their wings in the trees.

The memories from last night came back to me like I was being hit with a train and this time I had the sudden urge to just cry.

To cry for hours. To cry for days. To just cry.

Maybe even forever. So I could you know drown in my own tears. That would be better then anything right now.

Would it be bad if I said I didn't want to live anymore? If I said I just felt empty? If I said I wanted to die?

Suicidal, I thought to myself, that's what I am.

Another thought hit me hard again.

What would my mom say? Oh god what would she do.

She'd blame it on me. She always blamed it on me. EVERYTHING.

She never had my back. She was never there, now that I think of it. She probably already knows. I bet she's on her way here right this second. I bet she'd tell the police I was the one that did it.

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