The Call part 2

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Blaze's POV:

"Hey. Where were you?" Liam asked as I walked into the living room.

"Went for a walk." I plopped down on the couch next to him. I got used to coming in and watching TV with him. It's always either Duck Dynasty, The Walking Dead or some crime show that in my opinion shows way too much blood. But I learned to live with it.

There was a slight pause.

"I heard Harry spent the night..."

I threw my hands over my face. "It's not like that."

He laughed, prying my hands away, "I never said it was like that." He grinned, "But you did."

"He's an asshole." I said shaking my head and letting out a sigh.

"Then why did he spend the night?"

"Because I'm nice," I snapped, "and he had nowhere to go. Well he did but he didn't want to. Like he had a friend but he was mad at him or something so he asked to come home with me and at first I was like no but then he said he wanted me and not Niall so then-"

"Okay I get it." He cut me off, turning back to the TV.

I frowned, "Sorry. Did I blab?"

"Maybe just a little."


"Stop saying sorry!"

"O-okay. Sorry. I-"

"Blaze..." Liam groaned, smacking his head back.

I was about to apologize again about being annoying but the house phone rang stopping my voice from being heard.

"I'll get it." Liam stood up and made his way to the kitchen. When he disappeared around the corner I found myself turning back to watch the crime show. Some girl was just found dead in her room, blood splattered on her walls to spell out the words 'You're next.' I was about to pick up the remote to change it when Liam brought the phone back in giving me a weird look.

"What?" I whispered.

"Um it's for you.." He held it out for me to take.

I put it up to my ear, listening for a voice. "Hello?" I asked.


I swear I almost choked on air.


"Yeah, yeah. It's me." He rushed, "I need a favor."

"Ha! You think I'm going to do a favor for you? Favor my ass."

"Niall won't answer his phone, I have no one else." He pressed on.

"Don't call again-"

"I'm in JAIL. They think I did it! They think I killed her!"

"Call your parents or something." I glanced at Liam who watched me with curious eyes.

Harry let out a groan.

I could just imagine him running a stressful hand though his hair.

"What do you want me to say, Blaze? What can I do to make you help me?" He asked.

"I don't know what you expect me to do."

"Tell them I didn't do it!" He begged. "I could be in here for months! And orange is not my color."

"I. Don't. Care."

"Don't you care what Gemma would think? She'd want you to help me."

I knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to guilt me.

"Well I'm sure Gemma wouldn't care either considering the fact that you let that man kill her." I spat into the phone, suddenly forgetting about the other clueless teenager in the room.

"You're so hard headed." He stopped talking for a long time.

I hoped he gave up because I was about to hang up.

"I'll tell you about my past." He finally got out.

It almost sounded painful.

But how could I miss this opportunity? I absolutely couldn't.

"And they won't let me see her body." He sounded as if tears were welling up in his eyes, "They think I did it."

"I still don't know what you want me to do." I dragged a hand down my face.


I frowned, "You mean like in a church?"

"What? No! Are you stupid? Testify in court."

"You mean in front of...people?" My heart started to beat faster at the thought.

There were a few mumbled voice on the other line and then an angry Harry yelling, "Shut up I get one phone call for as long as I want! Fuck off!"

"I can't do that." I shook my head to myself, "I get really nervous."

"Blaze...." He wined.

I stayed silent for a little bit.

"I have to go." He said slowly.

"You'll tell me anything?" I questioned.

"Swear on my life."


"Okay what?"

"I'll do it." I decided against my gut.

"Are you serious?" I could hear the smile on his face.

"Yes but I don't see what a girls testimony is gana mean to cops like what would I even say..."

"It doesn't matter it's just the thought that counts right? And I'll tell you what to say. We can talk about it. Come now." He demanded.

I didn't get another chance to talk before the line went dead.

I pressed end call and turned to Liam.

His eyebrows were raised but he didn't utter a single word.

"I'll tell you later....but right now I need a favor...."



I'm so sorry about not updating you guys have been so patient! So how about 5 votes and 3 comments for next update?(: I think yes

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