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Blaze's POV

"Is she going to be okay?"

"Yes she is. It wasn't anything serious."

"What happened?"

"She had a panic attack. It's nothing we haven't seen before. All she needs is rest. She'll be up and moving as soon as her eyes open so there's no need to worry."


"Honey, the doctor said everything was fine. Why don't you take a seat and let me get you something to drink." There was a slight pause, "Can I get you anything while I'm at it?"

Someone near the bed cleared their throat, "Water would be okay, if you don't mind."


Harry caused this.

Harry was sitting next to me.

And then it dawned on me.

I was in a hospital. I hated hospitals. The smell makes me feel sick. It's like.... It's smells like.... Doctors and sick people and I never have liked it. Even when I was little. It's one of the reasons why I never told anyone about what happened at my house. I was afraid they would bring me to this place. Now thinking about it, it does seem childish and stupid but I was a child. I was just scared-

"Gemma! Oh there you are!"
Brinne exclaimed as I kept my eyes shut, acting as if I was deep in sleep like before.

"Harry, can I talk to you in the hall for a second?" That's all she responded with. No "Hi" or "How are you". It was kinda rude but I would never tell that to her face.

"Of course." There was a slight rush of air as Harry stood and followed his sister out. I knew it was him from the smell. I can't explain it really, it's almost a mixture of body soap and axe with a dash of man.

Did I really just think "dash of man"

No. No I did not.

I could hear whispers coming from what I'm sure was the hall, but I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying.

Something about moving back to-

"Oh Blaze! You're awake good, good!" Brinne's motherly voice broke my thoughts as she rushed to the bed and my eyes fluttered open.

Wait how did she know I was awake?

"Hi." I was surprised to hear how rusty my voice sounded so I cleared my throat. "Hi." I repeated in my normal voice. "How... How did you know I was up?"

She smiled down at me and simply said, "You blinked."

I frowned in confusion, "But my eyes were closed."

She shrugged. "I'm not sure how to explain it except I could see your eyes moving under your eye lids I guess?"

"Oh um... Okay.."

"So how are you feeling? Are you dizzy? Do you need some water? I'm sure you're probably just parched, I'll tell James to get you something alright? I'll be right back." She shot so many words out at one time that I didn't get the chance to answer before she practically ran out the door.

I couldn't help think that Brinne has cared so much more than my own mother has. She's always asking if I'm okay or if she can get something for me. She spoils me and she hadn't even known me for that long.

I took this time by myself to sit up on my own and look around the room. White walls, white sheets, white table, white windowsill, white, white, white. It's all so plain. But I was still in my close I was in before the whole scene with Harry. I still had on my black leggings and purple NYU sweater. The only thing different about my appearance was that I had some slippers on. You know the cheap kind they give you at hospitals for some reason.

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