Hard to get

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"I'm Brinne." The young lady said. "You must be Blaze, Mindy has told me a lot about you."

I smiled politely. "Hi."

Remember All that I said about Foster parents being old hags? Yea forget about that.

She was younger, maybe in her early 30's. Not a single grey hair on her auburn hair pulled back in a bun. She was beautiful to be honest.

"I'm coming to take you and Zayn out today. Just so I an get to know you guys better. Is that ok with you?" Brinne looks to Mindy.

"Of course it's fine! Just have them back by 10:00. But first I have to go find Zayn...." She trail off before exiting through the doorway, leaving me with Brinne. It was so awkward because she was just watching me.

I couldn't help my self but ask, "So are you married or....?"

"Oh yes I am. My husband couldn't make it today, he had to work. He's a surgeon actually." She seemed proud to say it.

"Cool." I shuffled and looked at my feet as Mindy walked back in with Zayn following.

When he saw me he made a rude face. "Whats she doing here too?"

Mindy looked at him sternly. "This nice lady would like to adopt both of you. I expect you to be on your best behavior."

"I'm Brinne." She gave him a warm smile.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

Her face lit up. "Well I thought we could walk to the café up at the corner. Does that sound good with you two?"

Before I could answer Zayn butted in, "Yeah ok that's fine. Can we go like now, I want to get back before the football game comes on."

"That's a great idea! Let's go!" She lawd both of us out the doorway then out the door to the Foster home. We both followed her down the sidewalk silently, only the rushing of cars and the click of her heels were heard.

It didn't take more than 3 minutes to make it to the Café. When we got in Brinne asked us if we wanted anything. Surprisingly Zayn and I both ordered a Carmel frappé with no whipped cream. I guess we have more in common than I thought.

We chose a small table by a window to sit and talk. Brinne started off first, " So what do you guys like to do?"

"I like to play football." Zayn says, taking a sip of his drink.

"That's awesome! My son, Jayden, likes to play too." She adds, looking to me for my answer.

"Um.... I like to draw and write. And before I was at the Foster home, when I went to school I was on the volleyball team so I like doing that..." I finish and look out the window.

"Well I myself actually have an interest in drawing. Painting actually. I have my own studio." Brinne smiles, drinking some of her coffee. I can't help thinking that it's probably making her breathe stink.

"That's cool." I sigh softly. When I look at her she's looking down at the table, her smile gone.

Zayn sitting next to me asks, "How old is Jayden?"

That brings a smile to her once more. "He's 16. And you're 17 right?" She looks at him.

He nods and smiles. That's the first time I've ever seen him smile and to be honest he looks adorable.

Did I really just think that?

Shaking that thought from my mind I turn my body towards him.

"When's your birthday?" I question him.

Without even giving me a glance he says, "January 12th." And didn't sound happy about talking to me either.

Brinne must have felt the tension between us in the air because the next question caught us completely off guard.

"So how long have you guys been friends at the Foster home?"

I choked on a sip of frappe. She must be kidding right?

Zayn simply said, "We're not friends."

It made me feel bad inside for some reason.

"But Mrs. Mindy told me that you two have been together at the house for a long time." Brinne looks surprised.

"That doesn't mean we are friends." Zayn says, not looking up from the table.

She paused for a minute before taking a deep breath. "Well I'm looking to adopt both of you and take you to my house soon. I understand that you are 17 and will be thinking about collage soon but since I will be your legal guardian I will pay for where ever you want to go. Or you don't have to go. You can stay as long as you want. What do you think about that? And Blaze, I could get you a job at my studio if you stay in town or decide to wait to go to collage." She looks back and fourth between us then pauses on me.

Zayn smiles again. I bet he's thinking about going to play football again. "That would be awesome!"

I nodded with a small smile, not wanting to put down her offer seeing as how she seems so enthusiastic about it. "That would be absolutely amazing."

Brinne clapped her hands together. "Good. I'll call and tell my husband right now! I can't wait for you guys to see our house and your rooms! But of course we'll have to wait because the papers have to go through the legal system and everything."

She kept going on and on about how excited and how happy she was. All I was thinking was what about Frankie? I can't just leave her here like that...... And Gemma! What if I never see her again? She does have such a busy schedule and barely has time to volunteer anymore. But what if we can't visit anymore? And what's going to happen if or when I go to collage?

I was starting to get a sweep of anxiety through my body.

"Blaze." Zayn suddenly says. "That's your name."

I look at him and frown. "Yea....."

He shrugs, "I didn't know your name until about a minute ago. It's nice."

Score! He talked to me and complimented me all in under an hour.

Brinne hung up her phone with a giant smile. "My husband, you can call him Rick by the way, is very happy to meet you guys sometime next week. Is that alright?"

We both nod.

Well look at that.

I'm getting adopted.

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