This is stupid

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I don't even know where to go but I find myself running past the park, then past the café, and then past a bar that I've never even seen before.

The tears running down my face never stopped. I couldn't see straight and my head was throbbing. My breathing was getting shallow and my lungs burned. My legs ached and my feet hurt but I kept going.

I knew I was getting slower but I kept going.

When I finally stopped I didn't even know where I was. The sun was starting to disappear behind the tall buildings and it was getting colder. AND I was still crying for some reason I can't explain.

So sitting down on the curb, I wrapped my arms around myself and cried some more. At this point I didn't care who saw me like this. I probably looked like one of those homeless people living on the street. It's not like I haven't been there though.....

I wipe away the tears and wipe my nose on my sleeve. Ew this is so gross, I just snotted all over myself.

I groan loudly, not caring if anyone heard.

It's not like anyone was actually there to hear though. This part of town looked pretty much empty. No cars passed, no one walked by, no lights in the houses were on. There weren't even street lights!

Now that's a problem. I'm scared of the dark.... And the sun seemed to be going away, fast.


Harry's POV

"Harry! What is wrong with you?"

I was currently in the middle of Gemma throwing a hissy fit.

"And you just let her run off like that? She could get lost you know! And you made her cry? Again!" She slams her fist on the table.

I roll my eyes. "She'll be fine. She can take care of herself-"

"Don't you dare speak like you know everything about her because you don't!" Gemma screams at me, "You know nothing about her or what she has been through."

"I know she cries at anything anyone says to her." I mumble. Before I knew what was coming a sharp pain hit my cheek, making my head snap to the side.

"Shut up! I have had it with you being so disrespectful!" The anger was clear in her eyes. And I'm sure mine reflected hers.

"You are not the boss of me, Gemma! I can do whatever I want to do!"

"As long as it doesn't involve my friends then that's ok with me!"

She pulled out her cell phone from her purse and started dialing a number. I listened as she held it up to her ear.

"Hi Mindy. Listen I'll be quick but do u know if Blaze is there?"


"ok but can you go check and make sure for me?"


Gemma sighed. "Ok thanks." She hung up the phone.

She looked me in the eyes. "She's not there. She could be somewhere dead by now. And it would be all YOUR fault." Gemma pointed one of her small fingers at my chest.

"You over react." I turn my back to her. "She's probably just at the park or walking around town."

"How can you be so heartless?" She hisses at me, "I sent you over there to go apologize to Blaze and you just make it a thousand times worse. Mom sent you over here because of your behavior problems, do you really want me to have to send you somewhere else because I can't deal with you too? Because I can just by calling. Don't forget that."

Silence filled the whole house. I didn't move and neither did she.

"So now, Harry, you need to come help me find her right now or I WILL make that call." Gemma finishes by picking up her car keys and making her way down the hallway. As soon as I heard the door click I let of a loud breath.

She couldn't be serious about sending me away could she...? Gemma wouldn't do that she's my sister. But then again....

I found myself running out after her. I quickly climb into the passenger seat of her car.

"Uhh I don't think so. You go look for her on feet. I'll look for her in the car." Gemma snaps at me.

I give her a 'you must be crazy' look. "You're kidding right?"

"Get your ass out of my car right now and start walking around and looking. I'll go downtown and look."

"But it's cold out-"

"Get out!" She yells.

I mumbled a few curse words to her as I get back out into the cold darkness.

I watched her drive away before shoving my hands as deep down in my jacket pockets as they would go.

This is so stupid. She can take care of herself. She's been doing it for however long she has been in the foster care system. But here I am, freezing my butt off coming going to go look for her for no reason. Gemma always over reacts.

I stucked in a breath and started walking towards the south side of town.

Oh and you know what's great about this? Gemma gave me the creepy part of town to look around in. The part where all those gangs and rapists live. And what's worse is that she took the car and have nothing!

Plus I'll probably get lost. I've really never been to that part of town so really I don't even know where I'm going.

This is going to be a long night...

Runaway (Harry styles fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora