Nicer than I seem

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We were walking down the street, just talking to pass time. Gemma was right about the sushi. I don't particularly like sushi but this really was to die for. We ordered about 3 trays of it and we ate it all. Not even a single crumb was left on that table. But now I'm so stuffed it's unreal.

"Damn it! It's 9:26! Harry's picking me up in 4 minutes, I'm gana be late!" She suddenly cursed, grabbed my hand and practically dragged me back to the Foster home.

We made it in about 10 minutes top and when we arrived Gemma stopped dead in her tracks. "He's not even here yet?!" She screamed. "Harry, that bastard. I should have never let him have my car!" She whispered to herself, I think.

I look at her, leaning against the railing for the steps. "What time does your flight take off?" I ask quietly.

Gemma lets out a sigh. "10:50." She answers through clenched teeth. She takes out her phone and dials a number, her brother I'm assuming, and puts the phone to her ear.

I waited, listening to her conversation.

"Where are you?..........come get me now!...........yes! Right now......harry I'm going to be late!......please!"

I frowned. That is so rude, I think. Not showing up to get your sister when you promise to be here. Especially knowing she's going to visit family.

"You know what? Just forget it! I'll walk if I have to!" She screams into the phone then hangs up angrily.

"I gatta go. Like now. So I'll see you in a few weeks alright, Blaze?" She gives me a rushed hug and pulls away. I smile at her. "Alright. See ya." I wave as she turns and walks away(More like jogs away). "I'll text you when I lan- If I land!" She corrects herself.

I watch her walk away until she's too small to see. When she's gone I go to do what I always do.

Opening the door to the Foster home, I rush up the stairs so I don't have another meeting with Alani.

I went straight to my bed and whisked my hand under the mattress. I felt the familiar leather booklet and pulled it out carefully and quietly. Hugging the book to my chest I made my way down the stairs again. This time more slowly and silent.

"Where are you going now?" A sharp voice makes me freeze at the bottom of the stairs.

I let out a sigh of annoyance and turn to her. "Just outside on the steps where I always go."

Alani has that stupid smirk on her face she always has. "And what's that? Is it your journal?" She motions to the book in my arms.

"No." I sass, turning away from her and going towards the door. "Just leave me alone."

I open and close the door quickly before she can snap a retort at me.

Journal entry #74
Date: September 23, 2013

Today was one of my better days you could say. I got to go out with Gemma to get something to eat. And thank God because today was sloppy joe at the Foster home.

Earlier today Mindy told me that a couple was interested in meeting me. She told me to be on my best behavior but you know me, I don't have a best behavior. I don't even want to be adopted. Plus the couple is probably some old hags that have 5 other Foster kids and I really don't want any brothers or sisters.

It just makes me think of bad memories when I think of siblings...

But anyway I guess I am lucky to-

I didn't have time to finish writing my sentence before a car pulled up. Gemma's car to be exact.

I slammed the leather booklet shut as fast I could as the driver door opened and a tall, I mean really tall(well to me that is, I'm 5'7), curly haired boy with sunglasses on stepped out.

He must be Harry, I think to myself. Haha harry. Because he has so much hair. I giggle to myself quietly. God I'm so immature.

He walked around to the side of the car closest to me. I probably looked like a dumbass just starring at him but he wasn't saying anything so I wasn't either.

It went on like that for about a minute. And I was getting sick of it.

"Can I help you or something..?" I finally let out, confused.

"I'm here to pick up Gemma." He said it as if it was obvious to me.

I narrow my eyes at him. "She left about 30 minutes ago, walking, thanks to you." I retort sharply.

Harry raised his eyebrows at me with a small smirk on his face.

Rolling my eyes at him I say very slowly, "So YOU can leave now."

"I know what I can do." He says with a little laugh. "Whats that? A journal?" He questions, amusement clear on his face.

I hug it closer and wrap my arms around myself. "No." I say quietly.

He's so intimidating just standing there, towering over me. "Can you please just leave."

I take everything good about Harry I said back. He's rude as crap and sure as hell annoying.

"It's not like you have anything better to do." He says, sounding bored.

"You are so rude." I hiss at him, standing up and turning towards the doors and walking up the steps. My hand was on the door before he said something else.

But it was just a laugh.

And it sent chills down my spine.

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