Here we go again

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Harry's POV

And here we go again.

Blaze didn't get very far before I wrapped my arms around her waist, making her stop dead in her tracks.

"Will you just calm down for a minute ok? I'm sorry for laughing and if you really want me to walk you back to the Foster home I will but your going to need to stop with this crying shit because I'm getting really sick of it." I say calmly.

She wiggled around in my grasp. "I'll yell rape if you don't let me go right this instant!" She tried hitting my arms and kicking her feet.

I let out a soft chuckle. "Look around... Who's going to here you?"

With that she stopped struggling.

"Now if I let you go you promise not to run again?" I ask slowly.

"No." Blaze snaps rudely.

I raise my eyebrows. "Ok I'll just carry you then."

She gave a squeal of protest as I spun her around, making sure to keep her hands controlled so she doesn't hit me, and picked her up, flinging her over my shoulder.

Blaze gave me a huff. "Harry, this isn't how you're supposed to carry girls." She knocks her fists against my back.

I let out a gasp, starting to walk, "You're a girl?!"

"Shut up." She mumbled.


Most of the way to the Foster home was silent except for a sassy comment from Blaze.

"Your butt is flat."

"Don't look at my butt." I snapped.

"Kinda hard not to seeing as how I have a clear view of it."

"Then close your eyes."

"I don't trust you enough to close my eyes."

"Then don't complain or I'll dump you on this side walk and run away."

"I'll follow you then." she points out.

"I don't think you'll be able to catch me."

"Then I'll tell on you when I finally do get back to the Foster home." She says through clenched teeth.

"Who are you going to tell?" I try not to laugh. She sounds like a 4 year old.

"Your sister."

"Your sister." I mimic Blaze in a high girly voice.

"Don't do that." I could tell she was getting pissed.

"Don't do that." I mimic again.

She never said anything after that.

When we finally made it to the familiar steps I set her down gently on the top.

Under the new light I could finally see her face. And she looked terrible.

Her face was red, probably from crying and me carrying her upside down for so long. Her eyes were blood shot. Her nose looked raw and tear stains were still visible. And don't get me started on her hair-

"Don't look at me like that." Blaze's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

I frown. "Like what?" I didn't even notice I was looking at her any way.

"Like I'm trash. Like I'm not good enough." She answers looking away, then turning. "But thanks for bringing me here." She finishes, opening the door.

Before it has a chance to shut I stop it with my foot.

"Wait, Blaze I-"

"Blaze! There you are! Gemma and I have been worried sick about you!" A dark haired lady, Cindy....I think, exclaimed as she saw us coming in through the door.

"I'm fine." Is all Blaze said before continuing her pace to the stairs, disappearing after a few steps.

The lady turned to look at me. "Harry, that's your name yes?" She asks.

I nod and ask, "Do you mind if I use your phone to call Gemma?"

She smiles. "Of course. Follow me."

She leads me into a small office space and motions to a phone connected to the wall.

Damn this place must be old. I haven't seen one of these since never.

I laugh a little to myself at the joke I made.

I dial my sisters number. She picks up on the 2nd ring.

"Mindy! Has she come back yet?!" She rushes.

"Um it's Harry.. And I found her. I brought her back."

Gemma let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god."

"Yeah um.. Can you come pick me up?" I ask.

My sisters high pitched laugh came blasting through the phone. I had to pull my ear away for a second.

"You think I'm coming to get you? I had to drive around for 3 hours looking for her. I'm going home and getting in bed." She says, completely serious.

"But what about me?" I try to keep my voice low, even though I feel like reaching into the phone and grabbing and strangling her.

"You can walk your ass home for all I care. This is all your fault in the first place. See ya when you get home."

With that she hung up on me.

I slammed the phone back on the receiver. Well this is just great. I look at a small clock on the wall in front of me.


Well if I leave now I'll be able to make it home before 1:00am. I sigh and run my hands over my face. Well then let's start walking.

I exit the door I came in through but stop dead in my tracks when a familiar little freckled faced girl was standing in front of me.

"Remember me?" She asks.

"Umm... Yes?" It comes out more as a question.

"I'm Frankie." She states.

A lightbulb goes off in my head. "Oh yea I remember you. You're Blaze's friend."

"Yes I am. And YOU," she points a finger at my chest, "made her cry."

I stayed silent, studying her features.

"That's mean." She says with a duh tone.

I shrug. "I said I was sorry. And I don't have time for this, I have to go home." I try to side step her.

"But you didn't mean it." Frankie points out.

I roll my eyes. "Did she tell you that?"


"Well I did mean it. And you can tell her that again and again. It doesn't matter what you say, she believes what she thinks."

With that statement I walked out the door and down the steps into the cold night.

I can't wait to get home and sleep until the sun starts setting the next day.


Hope you liked it!❤️ sorry it's so short though. PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE, COMMENT, AND SUBSCRIBE!

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