Lets talk

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Sorry it's taken so long to update a long chapter. I've lost the desire to write and stuff so it might be shorter updates. It would help if you told your friends about this book and spread the word on Instagram, twitter, ect. That would really help me out!(: if more people read this book I'd have more of a desire to write. thank u and enjoy reading!


Blaze's POV

I still couldn't get it though my mind that Harry could shoot someone. I mean he didn't look like the type of person to do that kind of stuff but it seemed logical because he moved here with Gemma. You know to get away from the hate. It wasn't a bad idea either.

The topic was still nagging my insides as we pulled up into the long narrow driveway of my new house. When the car stopped rolling I unbuckled my seat belt. Trying to get out of the car before Harry started up another conversation.

"Please don't tell Gemma about this; what I told you. She'll get mad and tell our mom that I've been telling people things and shit will hit the fan." The familiar thick accent reached my ears.

Something pricked me in the back of my mind and I guess it was just automatic but words starting coming out of my mouth as I looked at him.

"You did not just say shit will hit the fan."

"Um excuse you but I just did and is that the only thing you heard out of all of that?" Harry furrowed his brows together, a dark look in his eyes. He was being dead serious right now and me asking stupid questions where not on his radar at this point.

"Oh I heard you." I said in a smartass tone, shaking my head, "and it hurts that you would think I'd tell about this. As long as you don't say a word about what I've told you we should be perfectly fine."

Without another word or another look at him I climbed out of the car and set my pace for the front door. I was trying my best to get inside before I started shivering again but I failed miserably because by the time I opened the door my teeth were chattering. I didn't bother to look back and see if harry was close behind. I just kicked the heavy wood closed with my foot and welcomed the warming sent of something in the kitchen. It absolutely smelled delicious.

When I got here last week I learned pretty fast that Brinne and James both were master chefs.

A smile broke out on my face as their son, Liam, came around the corner. His hair was slicked back in a quiff, hands in his black jean pockets.

"Mom they're back!" He called into the room, returning my smile, his a little more mischievous. "So what were you guys doing out so long?"

I could hear the real meaning behind his words but clearly ignored it, rolling my eyes.

He have me one of those 'don't get an attitude with me' looks as he turned to go back into the kitchen.

Oh god I loved him so much.

He was like the brother I always wanted but never had. He had a great sense of humor in fact; he wasn't all stuck up like I pictured Brinne's kids would be seeing as how she's always looking so nice and perfect, he hair always neat. She gave off this wonderful personality. It seemed as if she would never be mad at anything.

Upon hearing the front door open behind me, I followed my new Foster sibling, the glorious smells filling my nose more and more each step I took.

"Oh great! You're just in time!" The sweet soothing voice I've become so familiar with was standing in her apron, hair a mess, face flushed from the heat pouring out of the stove. I could even feel it from where I was standing.

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