I'm really sorry

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Blaze's POV

I'm not sure how much time had passed since I ran away. But I do know that I was cold, beyond cold actually. I lost the feeling in my fingers and toes a while ago. And you know what I was doing about it?

Absolutely nothing.

I was still sitting on the curb with my hands in my face. It was pitch black now and the only light I saw was the moon. A very very dim moon.

I sigh and hug my legs to my chest tighter.

I should have never run from Harry. I should have just faced him and yelled at him or something. Damn you emotions.

I sniffed and wiped my nose on the back of my hand. God I'm so stupid. I can't believe I really ran again.

That's all I ever do nowadays. I just run from my problems....But that isn't helping me.

I wonder if Mindy is going to come find me like she did that one time one of the boys took my journal and hid it from me.

I was just a ball of emotions back then. And I could kick some ass too. So they learned to not mess with me after that.

I smiled to myself. And like that time when I ran away from home but didn't get far before my mom came driving up in her car telling me that I was making a mistake. She got me to come home that night and she held me until I fell asleep. And that one time when I ran away because my parents were fighting. That night I did come home but only because Ofelia, my older sister, followed me out and gave me the whole 'if you leave then it'll just be me and I can't make it without you' talk.

I ended up leaving her anyway.

Tears started to prick my eyes again. Damn it! What is with me and crying lately? I never cry!

Before I knew it I was balling all over again.

Look at me. I'm such a screw up. I promised myself I'd forget that old life I had to go through. That's really all I want to do; Just start over.

"Just suck it up and move on. They mean nothing to you anymore." I choke out through sobs, talking to myself. "Your worthless like this so get yourself together."

"Do you always talk to yourself or just when your crying....." Harry's deep, annoying voice says from behind me.

I jumped up as fast as I could and swung around and yes there he was. All 6 feet and 3 inches of him.

"Why do you always do that!" I try to scream at him but my voice comes out hoarse and quiet.

All of a sudden the world feels like it's coming up too fast. Head rush.

Before I know it some ones arms are wrapped around me.

When my vision finally clears and the world stops spinning I push Harry away from me. "Don't touch me!"

"Well excuse me for not wanting you to fall on your face!" He exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.

"Don't yell at me." I huff and cross my arms. "Don't even talk to me." I sit back down on the curb.

And of course he has to come sit next to me.

The good thing is that he doesn't say anything.

I go back to hugging my knees to my chest and trying to keep from freezing.

"I'm sorry." He repeats what he said earlier today.

"No your not."

"Yea I am."

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