Chapter Nine

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I wish I could say I woke up in a room of white with the feeling of my mate's hand firmly wrapped around my own. I wish I could say I woke up with perfect hair and a body that felt good as new. I wish I could say he confessed his undying love to me in the moment that I opened my eyes and kissed me until I was senseless. I wish I could say all these things but really none of them happened.

When I awoke I was no longer in the truck or in the medical wing I was in my own bed. I looked down at myself to see that I was dressed in my pajamas which consisted of a pair of sweatpants and an oversized t shirt. I attempted to sit up and felt some mild discomfort from my ribs but nothing like the pain from before. I felt a small tug on my face and realized I had an oxygen tank plugged into my nose. I went to touch it but a voice stopped me.

"Keep it on, doctor's orders." My head shot to the side where I now noticed James sat in a chair across the room by the door. He was dressed in work out shorts and t shirt as if he had just come from training but based off his lack of sweat and frustrated expression I doubt he got much of a work out.

"Why are you here?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow at me in response looking annoyed.

"Why am I here? I'm here because someone decided she felt like nearly killing both of us and injuring herself in the process." He crossed his arms glaring at me. If were in wolf form my ears would have fallen flat against my head. "Since I failed to protect you from yourself while I was escorting you I now have been given the task to care of you for the entirety of today. No training field access allowed." If it was even possible his glare deepened.

"Today? How long was I out?" I looked around for any indication of time but all I could see was the sun shining through the window.

"An entire month." He stated.

"What?!" My heart sank in confusion and disbelief but one look at his face and I felt my panic settle. A small grin graced his lips in the most pleasing way.

"I'm joking you idiot, it was only one night. It's morning, you got hurt yesterday." His grin fell away and he leaned back further in his chair looking bored once again. I sighed and looked down at my abdomen that was covered by my shirt. I lifted it slightly to see I had some bruising and the area was tender to touch but manageable.

"Beta Scarlett worked on you. It wasn't too serious so she said after a day of bed rest and oxygen you'll be fine with the healing she gave you."

"Thank you." I spoke and looked up at him to see him staring at me with his cold eyes.

"I didn't do anything." He stated and I shook my head.

"You brought me to where I could get help so thank you." He rolled his eyes leaning back further in his chair.

"It was only part of the job don't over think anything of it." I weakly smiled in response and nodded feeling slightly defeated. It was difficult to handle his multiple blows. "Now do you have anyone you want me to contact? A worried mother wondering where her precious daughter is?" I looked up to catch his gaze and stared back blankly.

"My family's dead, it's just me." I saw his features fall slightly as he stared at me and for once they didn't return to being cold.

"Oh..." The silence that followed was awkward to say the least. That probably wasn't the best way to tell him. I plastered a smile on my face.

"If I'm going to be trapped in bed can you pass me that book?" I pointed behind him to my grandmother's recipe book that laid alone on my desk. James stood and grabbed the book looking over its well worn cover.

The Solitary MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon