Chapter 35 Sneak Peek

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"How well do you know Arabella?" Alpha Cain directed the question at his son, and I watched as Don seem to understand something unspoken. What was going on?

"She has only shown me loyalty to her patients and her Luna since I've begun work with her. I do not know what her life was like before my time with her, but it's understood her family has all passed and it's just her remaining." That familiar burn urged its way through my chest and when I looked to James for comfort his eyes weren't on me. They were on Alpha Cain.

"Does she have a mate?" Alpha Cain's face gave little away, but his tone led more to the imagination.

"Not that has been reported. I haven't seen her go off when any particular wolf. To my knowledge she spends a lot of her time alone." Don responded, looking more and more unsure.

"Alone where?" Alpha Cain was now standing, Don did as well.

"I don't know." He answered.

"What's going on?" Riley asked, her eyes racing between Don and Alpha Cain. Both refused to meet her gaze. Locked in a conversation through their link that the rest of us were not to be privy to.

"Nothing,"Alpha Cain's voice was dark. It reminded me of a lion contemplating its nextmove. "so far at least." His eyes shifted to the door 

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