Chapter 34

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Happy New Year Everyone ❤️

Grace POV

Everything about me felt weightless. From my hands to my feet, to my head, to the leg still wrapped around James' waist. James...

At the reminder of my mate's presence, I felt my body begin to tingle all over. Tiny little sparks that danced on my skin like fairies in a garden. I imagined everywhere they danced a tiny light took its place, creating magic in the air. That's how it felt to be with James, magical.

With my eyes still closed I inhaled what I now realized was the morning air. We had fallen asleep, entwined in each other's arms. I could smell a fresh breeze on the wind and the sound of birds chirping trinkled its way to my ears, and then him. His breathing was low and slow, calming, mellow. I found that my own breathing was aligned with his. We were completely in sync. We were one.

I slowly opened my eyes to find that the room was dimly lit. the curtains were mostly closed but the window cracked every so slightly allowing the lightest of winds to flow through, rustling the white fabric. I looked directly beside me to see my mate, my James, fast asleep.

I was on my side cradling him as he laid with his head tucked below my chin. Every time he breathed I could feel the light warmth of his breath brush against my new mark. The skin was sensitive, bordering on painful, but I loved the feeling of knowing it was there. Knowing James' had claimed me as his own... it was the most beautiful feeling I had every felt.

I wound my arm around his back pulling him closer and James snuggled up to me in response. My heart fluttered in response, and I couldn't resist the urge to place a kiss upon his forehead. His skin was warm, like his embrace. Somehow James remained asleep, and I took my time admiring his feature.

His strong brows that made his eyes appear darker than they were, that slightly crooked nose from one too many fights, the many, many, many scars.... My dear mate was nearly more scars than he was man. I would cherish every bit of him anyways. Every last inch of skin, as long as it was his I wanted it all. He was mine.

I admired my own mark upon his neck. It was still red, but it appeared to be healing well. The puncture marks of my teeth had long stopped bleeding and the damaged skin was already beginning to turn a near pink in some areas. I couldn't wait to see my mark turn a lovely silver hue upon his neck. I hoped it didn't cause him any pain.

My fingers lightly grazed the skin surrounding my mark on his skin and James groaned in response. Sparks stronger than any I had felt before shot up my arm causing me to jump. My reaction coupled with that of the bond caused James' eyes to finally open. His gaze immediately took note of me and didn't waver. My cheeks felt hot not knowing what view he had of me. It felt silly to be worried about my appearance in this moment, but I was.

"Why are you nervous?" James' voice was still hoarse with sleep. It sounded sexy coming from his lips. I imagined anything he said would sound sexy.

"I'm not." I fibbed but knew it was useless. He smirked and reached towards me. I thought he would stroke my features as he normally did but instead his hand went lower to wrap around the side of my neck. His fingers grazed across the newly marked skin and through the light stinging I found pleasure. I became acutely aware of my nudity as my legs clenched together in response and my nipples hardened from his touch.

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