Chapter 39 Sneak Peek

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James POV *starting midway through chapter 34*

Getting out of bed was a new kind of hell. I reached for Grace feeling the strong urge to turn us both around and continue what we had started this morning. My hand skimmed her hip, tugging her closer to my side as we walked, and she moved without hesitation. Her arm brushing against my own.

I remembered the way she smiled every time I leaned into her touch and my chest felt light. I slid my fingers along the stretch of her arm wishing a sweater didn't separate me from her skin. I knew exactly what it would feel like, although I had only touched it a handful of times. Her bicep has the taunt feel of muscle under smooth skin, the crease of her elbow sensitive to touch. 

My hand reached hers, my fingers began to work their way around her palm. I grazed the supple skin with my calloused tips and then-

"Look who finally decided to join us for breakfast!" My eyes shot ahead to see we were now in the dining room and the voice came from no other than Don. My mate's attention was captured by the woman beside him, any attention of hers that I once had was gone. My wolf nearly cried, and I shared in his frustration.

I bit back a growl and threw back a half assed jab pointing on the gallery of hickeys on his neck. The woman laughed in response and I watched as Grace glowed with curiosity. I looked at Don expectantly and he gave a lazy smile in response pulling the woman closer to his side. They might as well have been sharing a stool at this point.

"Well might as well introduce you to the culprit of said markings. Everyone, this is my mate, Riley." She was nothing special in my eyes but then again nobody was in comparison to Grace. She looked at her as though the sun shown out of her ass so I tried my best to give a somewhat welcoming expression. Really, I was jealous of the way she had captured the attention of my mate on a morning I'd wished for nothing more than to spend all day in bed with her. Trapped in the sheets, tangled in each other's arms, never leaving the comfort of our room.

The conversation continued on around me as I half listened in. My focus was unashamedly on that of my mate. She smiled with a twinkle in her eye as Riley's voice raised an octave as she yelled at Don for one thing or another. I couldn't deny the draw I felt toward her and before I knew it was inching closer in her direction. Grace's scent fell across me and I took a greedy inhale letting it coat my senses. I felt my body relax in response.

"Did you prep your team for the day, Don?" Alpha Cain's voice held no malice, but Grace's body still noticeably tensed in my arms. I glanced down at her but her features showed no hint to what may be going through her mind.

"Not yet, we're just waiting on one more." Don explained, still lost in Riley's eyes.

"One more?" Alpha Cain questioned and something in his voice shifted the energy in the room. It felt suddenly tense. All eyes on him. "Who is the one more?"

All eyes circled the room and it became painfully obvious that the only one in our group not present was Arabella. 

"So, where is she?" 

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