Chapter 36 Sneak Peek

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When in crisis people often talk about how things happen in slow motion. How they feel every breath coursing through their body, they see everything around them happening slowly, they have time to think through their entire life, every decision, every mistake, every moment of joy and sadness. I wish that could have happened to me.

Instead, everything happened at lightning speed. Warriors flooded in, Alpha Cain was seen talking to a large man that seemed to be his Beta, Luna Emily was talking quickly with a fellow she wolf. I heard words like safe house, medic tents, evacuation. Before I knew it a warrior was in front of me and pushing my chair towards a bookcase in the corner. Luna Emily walked over and opened it by pulling a discrete handle. My heart jumped in my chest. James.

"I have to find James!" I came to my senses, attempting to stand just before entering the threshold of the safe room. Instead, I fell from the chair, I didn't care though. My leg pulsed with pain as I hobbled to a standing position. The warrior beside me grabbed me from under my arms helping me to a standing position and attempted to carry me into the safety of the hidden room. I shoved his hands away.

"Let go of me! I need to find James! Where is he?" Panic coated my voice as tears sprung to my eyes. I had to find him. I had to see him. I had to make sure he was okay. What if he was hurt? I could feel him reaching through our bond so I knew he was alive, but my mind was racing so fast I wasn't able to focus on any one thought he was sending me.

"Grace, calm down." Alpha Cain stared me down and I felt my body go slack, my breath being forced to a halt. It was a command. My body responded without hesitation going slack. I would have hit the ground if Luna Emily didn't brace my fall. I looked at Alpha Cain with desperate eyes.

"Please.... let me go." I pleaded with him, but his expression was stern.

"Cain!" This time the panicked voice came from Luna Emily. I watched in horror as a wolf nearly as large as any Alpha tackled Alpha Cain. It tore into his shoulder, blood splattering onto the carpet. Alpha Cain reached for the jaw of the wolf, its teeth cutting into his hands. My heart raced as the fangs of the beast moved within inches of Alpha Cain's neck.

Luna Emily was fast, she moved toward them in the blink of an eye and shifted mid-air. She gripped onto the back of the attacking wolf with her canines and managed to flip them off of Alpha Cain. The wolf slammed into the wall but wasn't stunned for long and took on a defensive stance staring at Luna Emily and Alpha Cain.

Luna Emily snarled at the wolf with a blood-soaked muzzle. Alpha Cain was knelt behind her, my skin prickled on my arms as the tension of the standoff filled the air. The warrior that had previously been attempting to hold me back was now leaning beside Alpha Cain healing him. We were the only ones in the room. Those three, the attacking wolf and then myself. On the ground, still under the Alpha command. My heart froze as the wolf took notice of me. Time stopped for a fraction of a second, and then they moved.


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