Chapter 26

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I was lost in him. Lost in his touch, his scent, his lips, everything. My body felt like it was on fire and I couldn't cool down fast enough. Every sweep of his fingers along my skin left a burning trail of sparks. I was like putty in his hands, I melted at every light graze of his skin and every sweep of his tongue against my own.

I felt my gown slip and pool at my waist. My bare chest made contact with James' clothed torso and I gasped at the new sensation. My body tingled in a way I had never felt before. Our eyes met and his fast-moving hands slowed, his plump lips hung open and his eyes searched my face trying to determine how I was feeling. I was in heaven, but I was also suddenly terrified. I had no idea what I was doing and it must have shown on my face.

"Let's take it slow." His eyes stayed locked with mine as he pulled the gown back up to cover my breasts. I clutched at the thin fabric and nodded feeling timid like a child. I had never experienced anything like this before. It was all new but it also felt so instinctual. I didn't want to stop but I also didn't feel ready to keep going forward.

James gripped my chin gently with his fingers, ensuring he had my attention. My eyes had never left him but I would do whatever he wanted. I would give him anything. "So... need help with that shower?" He asked and the same smirk from earlier took over his features. I managed a laugh through my nerves and held onto his wrist. I couldn't help but notice the speed of his pulse beneath the warm skin. It was racing like a hummingbird's wings.

"I think I'll be just fine on my own." He nodded and turned the shower back on and to my previously set heat. How he remembered I'll never know but I thanked him for it and held my breath until he was out the bathroom door.

A sigh left my body as I processed the emotional roller coaster that had just happened. I felt awestruck and giddy and in disbelief all at the same time. I couldn't believe it. This was more than I could have ever expected. More than I ever dared to dream.

I washed myself as carefully and quickly as possible. Taking extra care to keep my injured leg dry. I winced when I accidentally moved it at the wrong angle but managed to continue on through the pain. The seriousness of my injury began to set in and I wondered briefly if I would ever walk normally again. Would I have a limp? Would I even be able to keep my leg?

I could feel my head start to race with scenario after scenario but knew I couldn't go down that rabbit hole for long. It wouldn't help me right now. I could only do one thing at a time and right now that one thing was showering. And then after that...

The same heat returned to my core and my breasts suddenly felt sensitive under the warm stream of water. When I left this bathroom James would be waiting for me. James would be taking care of me. James would be guarding me. James would be... James would likely be staying with me through the night. My eyes increased a fraction of the size and I began moving more quickly through my shower routine.

I took extra care in exfoliating, doing my hair and then once I managed to hobble out of the shower I ensured I was moisturized from head to toe and looking as presentable as one can look after a 3 day hospital stay. I looked to the counter and noticed a small pile of clothing. When I reached for it, I saw an oversized t shit and a soft pair of cotton shorts. James.

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