Chapter 33

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Arabella POVI kept my head low as I made my way through the mass of muscled forms. They paid me no mind as I weaved my way through their ranks. My eyes only briefing scanning each individual form taking a head count. Forty... no fifty... more. I lost count as the digits dared to enter into the hundreds. A sense of dread befell me as I made my way to the outer rim of the training grounds. This was always the most terrifying part, putting my full faith in the mate bond.

With a final glance of the surrounding field, I closed my eyes and allowed my senses to expand beyond that of myself. I waited until I felt a flicker of the bond off in the east and then began in that direction. My heart sank with anxiety as soon as I entered the span of trees. I had always been told growing up not to explore too far into the woods. Now I enter them willingly and with speed. Because entering the woods means I get to see him...

I dodged past tree after tree, ignoring the way the surrounding area grew darker as the density of trees intensified. The further I got the faster I went, not wanting to linger too long in the darkness. My mind always wandered at points like this wondering if my mother had seen a similar scene once. My father, my brother. I couldn't let myself think on it for long, it always made me want to go back. To turn around and never enter the forest again. To face my pack and tell them of the plan brewing just beyond the trees. It almost happened now, I almost turned around. But then... there he was.

He stood in the one stream of light that poked through the trees. As if he were the only one to ever exist in its darkness. He was the only light, the only bit of good in this world, and he's mine. "Arabella!" His face lit up, that grin erasing any fear I had remaining of the woods. I returned it with my own, taking the last steps into his arms.

"Michael ..."

Grace POV

"I think I'm in heat." As if my words triggered something in James his eyes grew darker. His heated gaze consuming me, making my body run hot. His hand on my thigh made my skin tingle and I nearly lost all control as he began to move it slowly, massage the skin. I found myself scooting closer to his form, his hand gradually getting closer and closer to where I wanted him most.

My throat felt dry, my head began throbbing, a light sweat began to form on the back of my neck. I leaned toward him, my breath fanning across the exposed skin of his neck. His head titled back in response; his gaze hooded. I watched as his mouth fell open, the pink of his tongue just barely peeking out from behind his lips. I remembered all the things he did with that tongue, and I desperately wanted them again.

My chest made contact with his bicep, and I shivered in response feeling the hard muscle of his arm between my breasts. The supple skin tingled in response, my nipples turning to pebbles atop the peaks of my breasts. I shifted slightly and the most sensitive parts of my body tingled as I felt more of him against me.

"Please, James, touch me." His eyes grew darker as I leaned into him. His hand crept further up my thigh until he was skimming the edge of my panties. A shiver crawled its way up my body as I felt the soft fabric lift from my skin. My back arched instinctively in response.

"You don't have to ask me twice." James lips descended upon the soft skin of my neck where he sucked on the sensitive flesh. At the same time his fingers slipped past the thin fabric and entered my wet folds. I audibly gasped and found myself clutching onto him desperately wanting more of him pressed against me. In me. All over. My body was begging for it.

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