Chapter 21

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To call it an outpost was the understatement of the century. It more accurately should have been described as a fortress. The sight of it shocked me. Right before it came into view we had been surrounded by tree after tree after tree. An endless series of green that seemed never ending. Until it did.

It wasn't until the thicket of trees disappeared that I realized how quiet the forest had been. With the soundproofing of the forestry gone and the wide expanse of the sky now being completely obscured around us noises flooded in like a tsunami.

Raised voices yelling orders, trees falling over into piles looking to be set aside for building more structures and a fire. A fire that stank of death. I had to stop myself from covering my nose from the sudden invasive stench. I glanced at the faces of the warriors around me seeing varying reactions to the scent. Some looked equally as appalled as I felt. Others seemed bothered but not unbearably so, the only indication of discomfort being the wrinkling of the skin around their eyes and snout. And then others... seemed completely unphased. I knew without looking what category James would fall into.

I was so lost in the dank aspects of every corner that I didn't notice that we had slowed to a walk. Brock eventually stopped and lowered himself to the ground, indicating with a glance that it was time for me to come down. I swung down from his form and unceremoniously lost all feeling in my legs. As to be expected, I fell to the ground in the least graceful way possible."Way to make an entrance." I looked up from my home on the ground to the sight of an outstretched hand. It was a young male wolf I hadn't recognized from my short amount of time here. He had a softness to his features that surprised me.

I extended my hand to his and couldn't help but notice how warm his skin was in comparison to my own. He gripped my hands and with one fluid tug pulled me to my feet. As I righted myself to a full stance I realized he was a head taller than me. His hair was a mess of wavy, light gold curls that framed his tan features. He had a boyishness that the others seemed to lack. I liked this about him.

The stranger's eyes locked on something behind me and a smile overtook his features. "How's that shoulder feeling?" I turned slightly, surprised to find a hard chest directly behind me. I couldn't help the shock that ran through my body and barely stopped myself from stumbling into James.

The stranger noticed my imbalance and lightly tugged my hands, still wrapped in his, to help right me. "Careful, don't want to take another tumble." A pressure on my waist surprised me, as did the sparks that danced on my skin where his made contact. I found myself focusing on his fingers that slipped past the fabric of my shirt and couldn't help but desire to know how it would be to feel more of them on my skin.

"I've got her." James tugged on my hip, and I found myself leaning against his chest and now out of the grasp of our golden-haired stranger. "And my shoulder is fine... thank you." His gratitude sounded reluctant in nature, and I briefly wondered what kind of prior relationship the two had. They clearly weren't strangers.

"Alpha Don, how good to see you again." Brock arose from the surrounding circle of warriors, and it was then that I noticed the stillness that had taken over the area around us. The once bustling camp was now silent, all eyes focused on our trio. I instinctively re-coiled back into the presence of James and he thankfully didn't push me away.

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