Chapter 28

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"You're really not one for subtleties, are you?" James teased as he playfully grazed his thumb across the skin of my wrist. The ointment that lingered on his skin left a streak of tingles in its wake, and I fought the way I imagined it might feel in more intimate areas. "Grace?"

James' voice reminded me that I hadn't responded to his remark and when he saw my flustered features, he knew he had the upper hand. Something in me sparked and I had the intense urge to shake the expression of my now smug mate. I removed my sweater leaving me in only a thin tank top that flowed gently along my skin. When I glanced down, I noticed the thin material of my accompanying bralette did little to nothing to disguise the presence of my nipples. They sat like two peaks on my chest. James' eyes wandered in their direction.

"Take your shirt off." I spoke with more certainty and his eyes met mine. I couldn't help but lean into the daring energy I now felt coursing through my body. I could tell my wolf was egging me on but thankfully her and I were on the same page. My voice fell to a lower range as I leaned toward him. Our breaths mingling, our lips inches apart.

"I'm going to make you feel good, mate." I watched as his eyes darkened and his Adam's apple bobbed in his throat. I couldn't contain my smirk as I fingered the material of his shirt. "So, take it off already."

--- Visit my Smut Club Tier on Patreon for the spicy version of today's chapter ---

I had James lay face down on the bed and watched as the muscles of his back flexed in response. I debated asking him to remove his sweatpants as well to allow me to work at the muscles of his legs but I doubted either of us would make it through that with the level of control we very obviously didn't have.
I positioned myself over his body, straddling his hips and James glanced back at me with a question in his eyes. "This isn't exactly how I pictured you on top but I guess I won't complain." I laughed in response.
"I guess in that case I won't ask you to flip over." James' eyebrows rose to the edge of his forehead, and he braced his forearms preparing himself to re-adjust his position.
"I mean I wouldn't be opposed-" He started but I cut him off with a laugh of my own.
"I'm kidding James. Stay face down Mate. You'll like it, I promise." He tried to hide the disappointment that coated his features but like a child pouting how he was feeling was clear as day. What a contrast to when I first met him.
I took some of the ointment in my hands and as the scent of eucalyptus filled the room James inhaled deeply. His breath came out in a sigh and his features relaxed. "Okay, Mate." He spoke and relaxed into the surrounding pillows.
I began working carefully at the muscles of his shoulders. At first, I avoided the many scars that coated his skin but soon I touched them gently and feathered them with the same attention as his tense and aching muscles. "Relax James, I'll take care of you." As if my voice were a spell his body went slack, and he felt like putty in my hands.
I worked my way from his shoulders to his arms, to his back, to his sides. I took extra care on his neck, moving it at just the right angle that a deep crack emitted from within him. James groaned and clenched the sheets beneath his body. I admired the way the veins of his forearms popped out over the muscle.
"How does that feel?" I asked as I worked gently at the back of his head as I allowed him to gather himself.
"Amazing..." He breathed out and I smiled triumphantly.
"We're not even to the best part yet." I stated and worked more of the ointment into my hands.
I worked on James' body for the next hour. Taking my time where he had knots, loosening any rigid joints, occasionally kissing any scarred skin. I don't know exactly when it happened but eventually, I realized James was asleep.
His breath blew out in soft whisps, and his lashes curled ever so slightly away from his cheeks. His lips were so plump I couldn't help but think they looked cute the way they stayed slightly parted. I removed myself carefully from above him and laid beside him instead.
I soaked in the moment, admiring the peaceful expression that rarely graced his face and eventually turned to turn off the bedside lamp. My hand froze as I realized I was facing the picture frame that sat atop James' table. I wasn't prepared for what I saw. I couldn't remember the last time I felt this way.
"How did you get this?" I couldn't hold back my question as my fingers carefully grasped the edges of the now familiar frame. James stirred behind me and looked over my shoulder to see what had captured my attention. He paused briefly before speaking.
"I wasn't sure how to give it to you, so I've had it here since your accident. I went to look for it in your room to bring to you for... I don't know, comfort? Not that a photo could have made what happened any better. I couldn't believe you didn't have it with you but one call to the pack house and they told me you had left it in your room back home. It didn't seem like you to leave it behind, so I requested they send it over."
I soaked in the image of my family and 8-year-old me. I had only discussed the photo with James once and for him to take notice of its importance... I was speechless. I admired the familiar curve of my father's smile that I often saw in myself, and the way my mother's hair flowed around her like a golden, curly crown. They were so in love, I was so happy, everything was perfect. I glanced back at James wondering what our future 'perfect' would look like. It had to be beautiful.
"Thank you, James. Really, thank you." I placed the frame back on the table and turned to James nuzzling my way into the crook of his neck, my arms finding their way around his waist. His arms circled around me in turn.
"You're welcome, Grace. Let's rest for a bit." I nodded wordlessly and fell into the same peaceful sleep as my mate for the next few hours. I would hold this moment in my heart for years to come. And it would at times be the only reason I survived. I survived for us, for James, for our future perfect.

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