Chapter 20

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My group and I are doing the talent show together. We plan on dancing to Elastic Heart by Sia. We practiced during our free period at school. Ryker was going to join us but he was terrible at dancing so he was helping us with colours and outfits. Of course me and Harley had to help slightly but he did well too.

Tomorrow is the talent show. Floyd is still in class and it is our free period. We arrived into the second gym that coach let us borrow because everyone was using the main gym. I plugged in my iPod and got into our places. Harley stood on my right and Cyrus on my left. The twins both stood behind us, Apollo to the back right and Ares to the back Left. I stood in the middle as the main dancer and we began to practice.

We wanted that Trophy that they gave us for the talent show. When you're in sophomore or junior year, it is mandatory to compete in those talent shows at least once. Since my group wasn't here sophomore year, we juniors got to do something. Apparently Floyd did it last year. His act was how many swear words he could say in a minute with making sense. I laughed when I found out. It's apparently on YouTube. I haven't had time to see it but I can't wait until I get the time.

We finished dancing a few minutes before the bell rang and Ryker came in with the outfits he purchased while we were dancing.

My outfit was a black beanie, a blue, hooded wife-beater, then a blue rag to place in the pocket of my jeans that I will wear and blue laces to put in my boots. Cyrus got a blue baseball cap, a black shirt with blue designs, a blue rag and blue laces. Apollo and Ares had the same, yet opposite outfits. Apollo had a blue sweater and Ares had a black sweater and each had no shirts for underneath. Apollo had a black rag while Ares had a blue rag. Each had their own pairs of jeans and each had gotten blue laces. Harley's outfit was quite different from ours. She had a black shirt, dark blue jeans, blue shoes, black laces and blue knitted gloves.

I gotta say, Ryker did well.

I thanked him and ran off to Floyd's class. I arrived just as the bell rang and Floyd got out of class. He came over to me and smiled. No one knew about us yet at school but I was dying to come out about our relationship. I walked with him to his locker and I leaned on the locker beside his, facing him.

"I want to come out about our relationship." He stopped whatever he was doing to look at me. I saw a smile on his face.

"So you wouldn't mind if I pinned you against this locker and made out with you. Right now." I chuckled.

"If it wasn't illegal, I would've asked for you to have your way with me in the middle of the hallway." His eyes narrowed and lust came into his eyes.

"Last chance 'cause theirs no turning back." I smiled.

"Do it." He pinned me up against the lockers with a loud smash and He pressed his lips against mine hungrily. I forgot about everyone around me. It felt like forever before we pulled away and we turned to see all eyes on us. Cheers erupted from most students (mostly girls), the only exception was the 'popular group'.

"Wow! Floyd! You a faggot?" I felt Floyd stiffen. He turned to Greyson and smiled evilly.

"I prefer the term, Gay and if you were gay you would understand. Oh wait! You are Gay." Greyson's eyes narrowed as his cheeks flushed. Vivian, her toys and Greyson's 'friends' all gasped and backed up from him except for Turner, the nice one of the group and Benji, the guy who just follows the wrong group and Greyson's best friends since diapers.

Vivian made gagging noises. "You're a queer? Ugh! I don't know why I ever hung out with you!" Greyson blushed.

"Yes! I'm Gay! I only said those things because I was scared! Now it just backfired on me! I now realize how wrong I was! I only hung out with you guys because you were easy and were lost puppies. Why don't you go f..." He stopped and smiled as Ryker placed a hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek.

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