Chapter 18

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It's been two weeks since I got out of the hospital and everything's been great. I live with Ryker and my Dad now. Farren was kind've embarrassed when he first saw me because of his flirting with me. I only chuckled and told him that, I quote 'It's okay. I know I'm irresistible.' He rolled his eyes and walked away.

Floyd and I have been going at it non-stop. Dad gave up on trying to keep me under stricter rules than I was used to because of it. I studied on everything I missed in school for forty-eight hours straight and completed all my tests with 98% or 100%. I was asked if I wanted to skip my finals because of my marks but I said I wanted to do it. Plus, it'll look great in applications for College and University.

Today, dad is bringing home a women he had been dating. He finally told us a week ago and wouldn't shut up about her until we just said to bring her home to meet us. The way he would talk about her and the things he had said about her though, I know I'll like her.

A knock sounded on the door and Dad jumped up and ran to get it with us following sneakily behind him. He opened the door to reveal Dr.Po. I jumped up and ran to her, engulfing her in a hug.

"Gigi! My girl! How are you sweetheart?" She chuckled and hugged me right back.

"I'm hot! I'm sexy! I think I'm good." I laughed as everyone rolled their eyes at our conversation. I turned back to dad.

"Is Gigi the girl?" Dad nodded with a gigantic smile on his face. I smirked. "I take back anything about threatening anyone you may bring home now or in the future. I like her already." I poked his nose and glared at him. "You hurt her, just know I'm good at hiding things so your body will be a piece of cake." Dad visibly gulped causing everyone to chuckles which soon turned to laughs as Ryker replied to my comment to Dad.

"Your terrible at hiding things! They're always in obvious places. The body would be found as soon as you hid it." I glared at him before turning to dad.

"Let me rephrase that. I know people who are good at hiding things." I winked and walked away. I sworn I heard my dad mutter to Gigi.

"Glad to know he likes you better than me." They chuckled and soon joined us in the kitchen for family baking time.

Halfway through cooking this is what it sounded like.

"You're doing it wrong Fargo!"

"Shut up Farren! Like you could do better!"

"I bet I could!"

"Try then!"

"No it's dirty!"

"Ryker you're burning the waffles! No one will eat them now, dumbass!"

"Really Brandi? You have no right to judge my cooking! You're sitting on the couch watching it all play out!"

"You know the phrase back seat driver? Well, I'm a back seat cook! Doing all the work with guiding you through doing what's right!"

"That's not a thing!"

"Believe what you wanna, Ryker!"

"Johnny! Get your hand off my ass! There's children around!"

"Like they care! They probably hear Brandi going at it with Floyd all the time. We all even walked in on them a few times!"

"No need to turn the situation towards me Dad!"

The unreasonable arguments caused us a big set back by a hour. We started cooking at three and they should've been done at three thirty but no! We finished at four thirty. I never really had someone to do this with and I love it. Even with the weird and annoying arguments. I grabbed whip cream out of the fridge along with chocolate sauce and strawberries.

I quickly went to my room and grabbed my bin of chocolate milk from the mini fridge Tip go me for coming out of a coma. I developed a chocolate milk addiction as soon as I was out of the hospital. Dad stopped getting it because I would drink it nonstop. I slipped the chocolate milk under my baggy hoodie and wandered downstairs. As soon as I got down the stairs, all eyes turned to me.

"Brandi what's under you hoodie?" I looked at my dad innocently.

"Nothing!" I replied a little too quickly.

"Brandi, I doubt you gained like 70 pounds in five minutes." I began to fake cry.

"I just couldn't hide it anymore daddy!" I let out an exaggerated sniffle. "I'm pregnant! Oh! Now you know! My goodness!" My dad rolled his eyes as everyone burst out laughing. Ryker scoffed.

"Wow Brandi! Such a baby! Hiding your chocolate milk so no one else can have it." I hugged the carton through my hoodie and glared at him.

"Says the boy who I have to pick clothes out for because he makes me." He chuckled.

"Don't lie you love it." I playfully glared and hit his shoulder with mine as I walked passed him towards the table. We ate in complete kayos but it was a loving and joyful kayos.



A few hours before

"I gotta go home Baby. You know the rules my dad has." I began to panic on the inside but did not let it come to the surface. I nodded and gave him a smile as he pecked me on the forehead and left. That's when I let my panic rise to the surface.

What if he gets jumped on the street? What if that's the last time I'll ever see him again? What if..?

This happens every time Brandi leaves me. I don't want him to know. I don't want anyone to know. They'll say I'm overreacting, say I have to get over it and stop being a baby.

I brought my knees to my chest and placed my head in between my legs. I began to rock back and forth as my breathing became laboured and as it became hard to breath.

"Floyd, do you know..." I snapped my head up to see Charlie standing in the doorway of my room, looking panicked. "Floyd, calm down. You are fine. Everyone is fine." It calmed me slightly. "Floyd hold your breath and count to ten." I did as he told me. I soon calmed down and Charlie held me close to him.

"Floy? Has this happened before? How many panic attacks have you had?" I felt the tears in my eyes as I looked over to him.

"I have them every time Brandi leaves." I admit, feeling quite embarrassed. He nodded.

"Because your afraid he'll get hurt again?" I felt tears roll down my cheeks and nodded before nuzzling into his shoulder for comfort. I ran his hands through my hair and pulled me close. " I understand but you have to go get something for them okay?"

I grabbed his shirt and punched him. "I don't need to go anywhere!" He grabbed my hands and forced me to the ground. He sat on top of me as I screamed curses and yelled at him. He reached for my IED pills from my dresser, took two out and stuffed them in my mouth. I felt my body relax and guilt set in. I reached up and touched the bruise that was forming on his cheek. "I'm sorry." He nodded and dragged me to the car.

"I forgive you but we're still getting you checked." I groaned as we rode to the hospital.

(A/N~ Poor Floyd! He's just having such a rough time! 😭 Don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT!

What's your favorite color?")

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