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"You fucking faggot!" The bottle missed my head by mere inches but a shard of glass flew and sliced me just above the eyebrow. I touched my eyebrow and winced as I felt pain. I brought my hand in front of myself and blood was dripping from my fingers. I turned to my mother as her face was full of fury.

Let me explain, my mother was, how do I put this? A whore? Yeah, a whore. I came out of my room too early and her man of the hour saw me and ran. She's angry because she believes it was my fault.

As if?

She calls me a mistake, a faggot and so many other things that may ruin a child. My mother wasn't always bad, yes she had a few loose screws but she was still good. I never knew my father and was a result of a one night stand. That was apparently her first one night stand. She was angry because her husband and father of my elder brother left her. She took care of us. Well, until she started drinking and drank because of reasons I was unsure of.

My brother left and promised he'll come back for me but that made it a hell of a lot worse. What pushed her over the edge was when she caught me making out with a guy.

Yes, I'm gay! There's nothing wrong with it.

She started calling me a queer and faggot, she told me she should've never given birth to a fag. That's when I started taking it out on other people.

When I came out of the closet, people believed I was weak. They though they could bully me because of it. I hated that. I began to beat people and threatened them with my newfound blackmail uses. They became scared of me and they all stayed away. Luckily a new group of non-homophobic rebels let me in their group. They soon became became people I could rely on. They may not go to my school but they lived in the same trailer park as I so I didn't care. Now back to the story.

I ran out of the trailer and to the safe spot my friends and I use in the forest surrounding us. I sat in front of the flat rock and laid my head on it. I closed my eyes and soon felt myself nodding off into a sleep like state.

I jumped up from my spot in alarm as a tap hit my shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Apollo, Ares, Harley, and Cyrus. Harley sat beside me and rubbed my shoulder.

"You okay sweetheart?" I smiled and chuckled.

"Girl, I'm always okay. What're you talking about?" I turned to face her and she gasped.

"Brandi, your face! It's bleeding." I frowned and turned away.

"No it's not." I poured at them. The guys behind me gave a sad chuckle and Apollo sat in front of me.

"Brandi, what happened?" I could feel my eyes burning. I looked in my lap. I shook my head. They already know enough.

"N..nothing." Ares came around and gave me his rare hugs.

"Tell us what happened it I swear to god..." I didn't let him finish in fear of what his threat might be.

"Iwalkedoutofmyroomtooearlyandtheguysawmeandleftsomymomthrewaplateatmyhead." I rambled. They all stared at me with clueless expressions.

"What?" I took a deep breath.

Slowly, Brandi. Slowly.

"I walked out of my room too early and the guy saw me and left, so my mom threw a plate at my head." Harley sighed as tears filled her eyes. She kissed my forehead. They were the only ones who knew and they were the only ones who understood what I was going through. Somewhat at least.

Harley's parents are always high and never have a shit of what Harley did or didn't do. They ignored her presence. She became depressed and partied and drank like nobodies business. But she found the twins. They helped her and soon, with more people in our group, she's getting better with each passing day.

Ares and Apollo had lost their mom and their dad was an alcoholic who took their anger out on them. They knew what it was like to have things thrown at your head and have people tell you what a disgrace you are. What it's like to be practically parentless...

Cyrus had an abusive father and mother who turned a blind eye. He didn't start out in the trailer park like the rest of us. He actually started out with a big house and rich parents. Though they soon changed and lost everything. Their company, their home, their friends, cars and even their children. They took it hard and soon turned to a trailer park so they could at least pretend they belong there. Still, it gave them no right.

From these hard background, came talents that gave us a rough exterior, we found things we enjoy and things we will learn to be great at to protect ourselves from anyone in our way or more bad people that sleep alongside our parents, if you know what I mean.

My head snapped to the side as something or someone shook the trees behind us. The shakes became quicker and louder as whatever it was near. My heart pounded as nearly every tree around us was shaking. I stood up and looked around the surrounding, standing in a fighting position. A guy popped out behind the silent Cyrus the boys struggle was useless as a cloth was placed on his face. He began to pass out and other came from all around us repeating the steps of the attack that they had on Cyrus.

I ran and hoped I could escape this seemingly inescapable situation. I bolted through the woods, my heart hit me repeatedly in the chest and my ears rang from fear. 

"Where do you think you're going?" I froze as an arm wrapped around my neck and a cloth placed on my mouth. The last thing I saw is familiar, guilty eyes.

(A/N ~ 😭 Don't forget to Vote and Comment!)

This is my FAVOURITE comic!

This is my FAVOURITE  comic!

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(So I edit this over two years later!! I never realized how much I grew as a writer until now

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(So I edit this over two years later!! I never realized how much I grew as a writer until now. I may only write pretty mature stuff and constantly receive writers block but wow. I have to say, I had to edit this a lot. It was really short and the structure was kind've off. There was barely any detail. I did the best I could without changing things drastically but I hope you guys still enjoy it! Love you my hoes!!!)

[Written 2017, Edited 2019]

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