Chapter 9

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I don't know where Brandi and his friends went after school but it's not like I care, right? I went straight home to wait for Carey. I really need to let loose tonight. I wandered inside towards the kitchen to great my mom.

"Hey mom. I'm home." She turned around, putting the knife down to give me a hug. I kissed her forehead before pulling back. She grinned.

"How was school." I smiled.

"Good. In gym class today, this girl placed a deal with Brandi. She's usually the best at archery and target stuff but you know how Brandi is, right?" She smiled and shook her head.

"He's so weird, you have to love him." I don't know why but that sentence made my heart flutter. I smiled wider and continued.

"He said that if he can get ten arrows all in the bullseye on the target within a minute, she has to do whatever he says then if he doesn't do it, it's the opposite way around. Of course Brandi won and now she has to do something and we all have no idea what it is." Mom smiled sweetly.

"That boy, he's gonna do something so embarrassing to the poor girl. I just know it." I nodded. My phone went off and I looked down. Carey's here. I kissed my moms cheek.

"Carey's here. We're gonna be upstairs. No bothering please." She frowned but nodded anyway. That was weird. She never cares what I do with my sex life. Why would she start now? I turned around to go let Carey in.


Cookie (Floyd's Mom)

I saw that twinkle. I know my boy and he had that twinkle. My boys in love. He's in love and he don't know it yet. I hope he realizes before it's too late.



I went towards the door and opened it to find Carey on the other side. She rubbed her hand along my arm.

"Hey baby." She gave me a peck on the lips before grabbing my hand and leading me to my room. Cat calls and whistles echoed through the house as we made our way up the stairs. Once we got into the room, I made sure to Lock the door. I tugged her shirt off as she soon tugged off mine. She began to kiss me but it somehow felt wrong and as bad as this sounds, I couldn't get it up. She reached the waistband of my jeans and she began to lightly tug them down.

I can't do this. All I can think about is Brandi.

I grabbed her hand to stop her. "I can't do this. Get out!" She blinked and froze.

"What?" I glared at her.

"Get out!" She angrily got off the bed and grabbed her shirt. She didn't even bother throwing it on as she stormed from my room. I pulled on my shirt and jacket before grabbing my keys. I wandered downstairs to my mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm going out. See you later?" She ruffled my hair before I pushed her hands away to fix it. She laughed.

"Love you. Be safe." I smiled. Love you too." As soon as I got to my bike I became angry once more and drove off to the club, Sins.

I arrived at the club and wandered to the bouncer. I tugged on my cut (A/N~ Leather jacket with the mc logo on the back) so he could see what mc (A/N~ Motorcycle Club) I belong to. He immediately let me in no questions asked.  As I entered my eyes drifted to the buy in the middle of it. Brandi. I kept my head down and wandered to the bar. I raised my hand and the bartender came over.

"One shot of your strongest thing." He nodded grabbing I dong know what and passing it over to me. I downed it and asked for another. After about six, things began to go fuzzy.

(A/N~ Ooh! What's gonna happen?

I want to go to Africa overall! It looks so pretty!)

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