Chapter 11

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I woke up and found myself alone. I frowned. Where did Brandi go? If you're wondering, I was totally aware of what I did with him and shooting back the shots, I finally admitted I liked him. After last night, I planned to tell him I liked him but he's not here. I got up and a pain erupted in my head. I staggered to the bathroom and grabbed some pills to calm the headache. I didn't bother getting changed for school. I'm going to go later anyway. I wandered downstairs and saw Brandi eating some of the food. I wandered over to him.

"Can I talk to you in private?" He hesitated before nodding. I wandered to the abandoned living room and turned to him.

I'm can do this. Just ask him out. Tell him  you don't regret last night.

"About last night..." I started but wasn't able to finish before he spoke.

"It was a mistake. No hard feelings, right?" I could hear my heart crack. I forced a smile.

"Yeah, a m...mistake. Good we got that cleared up." I could feel that the tears were gonna come soon so I did the only thing I could do at this moment. I ran into my room and burst into tears. My heart felt so heavy. I can't go to school like this. Why can't my life be easy! Why did Brandi have to come and ruin my life! Maybe if I realized my feelings sooner instead of three weeks later, he.. We could've... I can't even finish that thought. I laid on my bed tears still pouring down my face and grabbed the pillow Brandi  used last night. God! It even smells like him. I stuffed my face into the pillow and cried myself to sleep.


I woke up to someone shaking me awake.

"Floyd, time to get up. It's already halfway through the school day." I shook my head and stuffed my face farther into the pillow.

"I'm not going." My voice was strained from crying.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" I turned to face my mother. She gasped and immediately wrapped her arms around me. "Baby, what's wrong? Don't even try to deny anything! Your voice is strained, your cheeks are tear stained and your pillow is soaked." I shook my head and wrapped my own arms around her and nuzzles my face into her shoulder. I sniffled.

"I...i really like him and then I slept with him a...and he said that was a m...mistake." She tightened her hold on me.

"Brandi?" I nodded into her shoulder.

" did you kn...know?" She kissed my forehead.

"I could see it in your eyes when you talked about him or the slight blush on your cheeks when he's around that most may miss, but not your mother." I began to cry again and my mother just held me.

"What did I do to deserve a mom like you?" She sniffled and when I looked up, I saw that she was crying too.

"I think I should be asking why I deserve a son like you." I snuggled into her arms. "I love you Floy." (A/N~ Floy Is Floyds nickname.)

"I love you too, mom." Suddenly my dad burst in.

"What is taking so long! I'm get..." He stopped abruptly when he saw us. "What happened? Who do I kill?" I let out a slight laugh. I sniffled.

"No one, we're fine dad." He looked like he was going to say more but my mom spoke first.

"Why don't we let Floy be alone?" She grabbed his arm and pulled him out, leaving me to my own peace and crying.


As soon as we were away from my boys room, my husband turned to me.

"What happened? I've never seen him look like that before." I gave a sad smile.

"He had his heart broken." My boo raised an eyebrow.

"Who was she?" I sighed.

"He is Brandi." My husbands eyes widened.

"Wha...What happened?" I gave a forced smile.

"He finally came to the conclusion that he liked Brandi and went about it the wrong way and slept with him. After Brandi told him it was a mistake." I sniffled and found myself crying for my boy. "He can deny its not love all he wants but I know he loves that boy. The way he talks about him and the way he reacted to the rejection can only correct my thoughts."

My husband looks like he'll cry. He looks like a total bass but when or comes to his family, he's a big softy and I love him for it. A tear escaped and I reached up to wipe it away. I went onto my tippy toes and rested my forehead against his. "It all happens for a reason." He nodded.



I was sitting in my desk for History and replaying the morning conversation with Floyd.


"About last night..." I can't take the rejection, I can't hear him say it.

"It was a mistake. No hard feelings, right?" For him anyway. I looked up and saw his eyes watering a little. Huh? He gave a forced smile.

"Yeah, a m...mistake. Glad we got that cleared up. I felt my heart shatter. Ugh! He abruptly ran from the room and calmed myself before going back to my friends. They all gave me questioning looks but i ignored them and gave a smile.

"Lets go to school and make teachers miserable!" They chuckled and all got on our bikes except for Ryker who got in his truck. I sat down and winced at the pain in my lower back. I slipped my helmet on so no one could see my watering eyes. Ryker rolled down his window and yelled over to me.

"Your ass hurt too?" I chuckled and rode off.

*Flashback over*

My friends have been by my side since that. They knew something was wrong. Even Ryker, who only knew me for a day. I can't tell them yet. I'm not ready.

(A/N~ A little bit of Drama!!! 😱 Don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT!)

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