Chapter 7

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Ugh! I pulled the pillow over my head only to have it ripped away.

"Wake up sunshine! You have school today!" I groaned and turned to look at Tip.

"Give me my baby back and I might consider it." I reached up to grab my pillow and he easily let go of it.

"Now get up!" I gripped my pillow as I cuddled into it.

"Naw, I changed my mind." I closed my eyes and began to drift off to sleep. Well, until some fucking ice water splashed over my head. I looked up to see not only Tip but Ethan and Sarah as well. I scowled.

"Fucking traitorous, Sleep depriving arseholes." I mumbled with a hit of an accent my family had kept hidden. Sarah raised an eyebrow.

"Was that an accent?" Shit! She heard that! I turned to Tip for answers. He only answered with the British accent of his own.

"Yes, yes it was." Ethan turned to him with a scowl but you could easily see the amusement in his eyes.

"How dare you, Tip Doe! You had a sexy accent the whole time and you never told me!" Tip sheepishly smiled.

"It became habit. Our mom told us that we'll never fit in with accents and shit so we hid them and it became a habit." I sat up and frowned. Ethan just hugged him.

"That's a pity because I find it as sexy AF! You shouldn't hide it. Either of you." He turned to me. "You will use that accent of yours to get cute boys at school. Got that Brandi Baby?" I winked.

"Well if you put it like that..." he smiled.

"Come on guys, let's let him get ready." As soon as they walked out of the room I put on some jeans, Combat boots, a green shirt, that I despise because it covers my beautiful abs, and a leather jacket. I grab my backpack and make my way downstairs. Sarah immediately shoved a bunch of food in one hand and a paper bag in the other.

"That's your lunch and breakfast baby." I smiled. Ethan leaned over from the corner.

"Thank you." No accent. Ethan glared at me before turning to everyone else.

"How dare you Doe boys! Hiding your British accents from us! When we talk to you guys, I wanna hear those sexy accents. RIGHT, BOYS?" This got everyone to turn to us. I was immediately bombarded with questions.

"You have an accent?"

"How come we never knew?" Then...

"Brandi Fucking Doe! I've been your best friend for awhile and you never fucking told me!" Harley yelled. I turned red.

"Or us!!" The boys yelled. I turned to all of them and used my accent.

"Well, I'm sorry for being an arsehole! I promise I won't ever hide my accent again!" They all gasped. Harley smiled and laughed.

"Are you sure you don't like girls because, Damn! That was sexy!" I laughed, ate the rest of my breakfast and place my lunch in my bag. I walked away from the table and towards the bikes. Everyone was already waiting, including that sexy hunk with the name of Floyd. I turned to them all.

"You ready to go?" They all nodded as Cyrus turned to me with his oh so southern and sexy accent.

"Now all the attention will go to you! Why does British beat Southern! Damn you Brandi, imma have to get used to that." I shook my head before hopping on my blue baby and riding off to school.


We pulled into the parking lot beside Floyd and got off the bikes. I was about to walk towards the school but a guy in a red truck stopped us.

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