Chapter 2

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I came into the room to see Tip holding his crying baby brother. When I was first talking to the captive or um...


I caught little Tips brother looking at my abs. Of course my ego got in the way and I just had to ask if there was something he liked and the younger boy automatically replied sarcastically. My mind immediately went to the words,

'Damn! That was hot!'

But He isn't hot because I am not gay. Tip gripped his brother in fear he would disappear as soon as he let go and turned towards us.

"They need rooms." Tip declared as his voice wavered in emotion. He then pointed towards his brothers friends. "Two rooms for the four of them and I'll be sharing with my brother." Everyone except for my father, Tip and the captives had left and the injured stayed were they 'stood' for the moment. My brother Charlie has a screw sticking out of his hand and was attached to the wall and another member, Teddy was holding his foot from the hole that was opened. I stood beside Tip as he held his brother as close as he could squishing the younger.

I turned my head and looked at Brandi, only to find him staring at me. I caught his eye and he quickly turned his head away. Tip looked around the room and pointed at the boy that held the girl closer to himself.

"You two can bunk together. Make sure to use condoms. We don't want little ones running around." The girl stood shocked and I swear I could see the corners of her mouth twitch as the boy turned red in embarrassment. He then turned to the other two boys. "You two will be bunking. Now follow me." They hesitantly followed Tip out of the room and I quickly turned back towards my dad, Prez, who was attempting to pull the nail from the wall and my brothers hand. Every inch the nail moved, my brother screamed. I decided to go the easy way and turned towards Teddy.

"Let's go patch that up." I grabbed his arm and swung it around my shoulders and steadied him by holding his waist. We managed to get to his room and I laid him on his bed. I grabbed two of his pillows and placed it under his foot, then grabbed the phone because I needed to call the clubs doctor to patch it up 'cause there's no way I'm doing it. Teddy smiled at me.

"Do me a favour and get me some straight up Vodka."I rolled my eyes.

"You're lucky your injured or else I would have taken you down." He shrugged and pointed out of the room. I huffed and wandered out of the room to grab some Vodka. I wandered down the stairs of the warehouse and into the bar in the corner. I opened the back fridge and grabbed a bottle of Vodka. While the fridge was open I grabbed a beer bottle and attempted to sneak to Teddy's room.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Shit! I turned around more suspiciously than needed.

"Hey Dad, I was just bringing Teddy some Vodka to drain his pain and sorrows in." I raised the bottle into the air and nodded my head towards it. He raised an eyebrow.

"What about the beer?" I unstealthily placed it behind my back.

"What beer?" Dad raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know maybe the one behind your back that you were planning to drink. You know the one your not old enough to drink." he smirked, satisfied at his statement.


"Come on Dad! Everyone else drinks! Even Sydney and he's younger than me!" I whined and attempted my puppy dog eyes. Dad held out his hand. I guess that only works on Charlie instead.

"Give me the bottle, Floyd." I huffed and handed it to him. No point in arguing, he would win anyway. He grabbed the bottle, opened it, drank it a little and left with it.

Kidnapped By Him •New and Improved• (boyxboy)[Completed]<Not Edited>Where stories live. Discover now