Chapter 12

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It's been a few weeks since the day that Brandi rejected me. Over that time, I've been feeling depressed and began distancing myself from my friends and others. Also because I realized, I was utterly in love with Brandi. Every time I see him, I feel my heart shatter over and over again. I've cried myself to sleep almost every night and I lash out at almost everything and everyone, except Brandi. It has gotten so bad that right now my parents are sitting beside me in a hospital that they forced me to come to. My dad of course now has a black eye and bruises on his cheek. A nurse came in and looked up.

"Floyd Hayes?" I got up and my parents stood beside me. We wandered over to him and followed as he led us to another room. He sat me down and told me a doctor will be with us in a minute. In what felt like hours in which my dad had to man handle me to keep me from leaving, the doctor arrived.

"Hello Floyd. Is it okay if I call you that?" I only shrugged.

"Whatever." I nodded and looked at his clipboard.

"Floyd, can you tell me how you've been feeling lightly?" I shrugged.

"Um... Angry and emotional, I guess." He nodded writing down stuff in his notes.

"Have you ever wanted to hurt yourself? Have you ever acted on it?" I looked up at the roof.

"Yes and no." He write more notes down.

"You said you felt angry, right?" I nodded. "Have you ever acted on your anger?" I winced.

"A little?" It came out more as a question than an answer. My dad glared at me. I grunted and clenched my fists. "A lot." The doctor noted my answer and actions then turned to look at my parents.

"I'll be back in about an hour for the results." My parents nodded and I glared at him.

"An hour! I don't want to be here in the first place so why don't you hurry your ass up or I'm leaving!" All of a sudden I felt myself lunge for him. My dad grabbed me and the doctor ran out and came back with other doctors and nurses with something in his hand. They all grabbed me and held me down on the table and the original doctor stuck the needle in my neck. Everything became blurry and fuzzy until the world became black.

I woke to the sound of beeping. I went to reach over to turn it off my arms were strapped down. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. It was white and baby blue. I closed my eyes as everything came back to me. Shit! I'm in the hospital. I turned my head to see my sleeping dad beside me.

"D...Dad?" My voice was hoarse. He opened his eyes and gave a sad smile. "Why am I strapped down?" His smile began to fade as he ran his fingers along my hair.

"You attacked the doctor." I smiled sheepishly.

"I know that but I was sleeping, no need to strap me to the bed!" I began to lash out and began thrashing in the bed, attempting to be free of the restraints. "Get me out!" My dad turned to the red button beside him and pushed it as I tried to get out to give him a piece of my mind. Several doctors came in and pushed me down and once again they put the syringe in my neck and I passed out."


It's been a few weeks since that night between Floyd and I. I haven't seen him lately but people have been saying he's going off the walls. After a week of attempting to be strong, it came crashing down and I cried every night.

I grabbed my history textbook and began to read for information for my essay. My door slammed and I jumped which resulted with me falling off my chair and landing on the floor. I looked up to see Tip trying to restrain Charlie from attacking. He had a look of anger and hate in his eyes.

"It's all your fault! It's all your FUCKING FAULT!" My eyes widened. What did I do? "It's YOUR fault he's in the mental at the hospital! You BROKE HIM!" My eyes began to water. Who's he talking about? "Ever since you REJECTED HIM, He's gone PSYCHO! HE'S IN LOVE WITH YOU! YOU did this! YOU did this to Floyd!" I began bawling. I didn't know.

"I...I thought he was going to reject me! He called me a f...faggot and b...bullied Ryker for being for fucks sake! I thought he was going regret it all! I...I was only protecting m...myself f...from getting h...hurt!" I saw his eyes soften but I grabbed nothing as I ran out the door.

"Brandi! Brandi, wait!" Charlie attempted but I didn't listen. I ran. I got on my bike and placed my helmet on before driving off. I drove past the speed limit and towards the train station and registered under Carrie Crops. I boarded the train to the only place I know. Geeland Trailer Park.

(A/N~ 😪🤧 Don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT!)

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