Chapter 14

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Johnny Strider (Rykers Dad)

When I was with Bethany (A/N~I can't remember if I gave Brandi's mom a name so sorry if I changed it.) a few months ago, she said she wanted to be with me and we could give it a shot, for the kids. What you don't know is that Bethany and I were dating sixteen almost seventeen years ago. With that I had gotten her pregnant with twins. Fraternal twins. When they were born, we realized we wouldn't work out so I left with one child and Bethany left with the other.

When Brandi came to my door beside Ryker, I was so happy to see my boy, even if he didn't know i was his father. When he told me what his mother has been doing I've been trying to get custody of my Brandi. Ryker knew he had a twin brother somewhere in the world, he just didn't know how close he was. Its been around two months since that day and I finally get to go to her house with police for them to arrest her for child neglection. I could get my boy and they would get their twin.

Ryker ran into my office bawling his eyes out. "B...Brandi's missing! No one can find him!" My eyes widened.

"Ryker stay here". I grabbed the number of the private detective i had working kn the custody case. She answered. "We need to make the arrest very soon. Brandi is missing and I have a feeling she has something to do with it."

"Shit!" She whisper-yelled. "I'll call the officers. Get in your car. I'll meet you in Geeland trailer park parking lot." I grabbed my coat. "Stay on the line." I put her on speaker.

"Okay." I hopped into the car and drove past the speed limit towards the trailer park. I arrive a half hour later and the officers were waiting for me. I jumped out of the car and ran up to them. "Lets go." We all came to her trailer and people came out to watch what is happening. They kicked down the door and stomped in. Bethany was in the kitchen washing a knife. They pointed their guns at her and she dropped the knife. I ran to the first room. Empty. I ran to the last room and opened the door. I felt my heart drop.

"GET AN AMBULANCE!" I went over to Brandi's limp and bloody body. I checked for a pulse. "A PULSE IS THERE BUT BARELY!" I looked in his hands and saw a pen and two papers on the floor. People came in almost immediately and dragged him out in a stretcher and carried him out. I grabbed the papers and ran out to the Helicopter and got in. They got him to the hospital in five minutes and we jumped out. I ran with them until they got to the surgery room. I wandered to the waiting room and sat down taking out the letters. I opened the first and read. Tears sprang in my eyes. He even thought of Ryker in his last moments. I closed it and read the next. Wow. His last thought was of Floyd Hayes. My poor boy. He didn't even finish writing his name. The bottoms of the papers were soaked with blood and I silently sobbed at the sight. I called Ryker. He picked up almost immediately.


"I found Brandi. His in the Centerville Hospital. Tell your friends."

"Okay!" He immediately hung up and I sat down and silently bawled. A women came up to me.

"Are you alright?" I shook my head.

"No." She sat next to me and rubbed my back.

"Wanna talk about it?" I shrugged.

"Seventeen years ago I had twins. Me and the mother were not doing well together so I took one twin and she took the other." I sniffled. "The one she was watching, got custody by his older brother because she was abusive and I found out because his new school was the one his twin went to. They became great friends and when I saw them together... They didn't know they were related so the boy told us why he was with the older brother. I fought for custody and the police amd I came at the perfect time to arrest her because if we waited any longer he would've been dead. He suffers from three knife wounds and a vodka bottle to the head." The woman began to tear up. "Instead of getting help, he wrote letters to the ones he loved. It included his twin brother but they don't even know they're related which is the amazing thing. His last thoughts before he went unconscious was to a boy he fell in love with. He didn't even finish writing his name at the bottom." The lady pulled me into a hug.

"You are a strong man. Mr..." I smiled.

"Stride. Johnny Stride." She smiled. "What are you here for?" Her smile faded a little.

"My son was rejected by a boy he was so utterly in love with. He went into depression and started hitting people. Exploding on them for no real reason. He was diagnosed with Depression and IED, Intermittent Explosive Disorder. He went crazy when we brought him here and they keep having to put him under in a restrained bed." I gave a sad smile.

"Are you okay?" She chuckled.

"I should be asking you that. My names Carol Hayes by the way. People call me Cookie though." My eyes widened.

"Hayes? As in Floyd Hayes?" I felt my eyes tearing up once again. She arched an eyebrow and nodded. I burst out in tears again. I reached into my pocket and grabbed the letter. I passed it to her. "This is for your son." Her eyes widened.

"You don't mean... This is one of your boys letters, isn't it?" I nodded.

"The boy he so dearly loved." She opened it.

"B...Brandi? But he was the nicest boy I have ever met. Why would someone do this to him?" I shrugged.

"I bet you've met his brother then?" She looked at me. "His name is Ryker." She burst into tears.

"Those are the sweetest boys!" She looked at the letter in her hand, sniffling. "I'm going to give this to Floyd." I nodded as she left. Not soon after, My son, his friends and who I guess is Tip all grown up , came over and Tip stopped abruptly.

"Johnny?" I smiled.

"Hey Tippy." He burst in tears.

"Does Ryker and Brandi know?" I shook my head. I looked to the floor.

"Brandi suffers from three knife wounds and a vodka bottle to the head. It was Bethany. Instead of getting help he wrote a letter for you guys." I gave them the letter and they all burst into tears. Harley looked at me.

"He's gonna make it. Right, Johnny?" I smiled sadly.

"Since when does that boy give up. I don't think he's starting now." They all sniffled and smiled. Waiting to hear some news.


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