Ask or Dare: List 65

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Ryder: Hello guys, how is it going, welcome back to Ask or Dare: Paw Patrol edition. I'm Ryder, your host, and guess what, we got the OCs back so let's give them a paw.
Narrator: Everyone cheers for the OCs. Rubble nuzzles Rubie.
Rubble: I missed you.
Rubie: Me too.
Narrator: Samuel and Blossom come into the Lookout with their pups.
Chase:  Samuel!
Samuel:  Chase!
Narrator:  They both paw bump each other.
Chase:  I missed you bro.
Samuel:  Me too.
Skye:  Hey, who are these little guys?
Blossom: These are our pups.
Zuma: What awe theiw names?
Blossom: They're named Miles and Violet.
Skye: They're so cute!
Sweetie: Some sweet little pups.
Narrator: Ari, Roxy and James get jealous. Sweetie rubs their heads.
Sweetie: I love you guys too.
Narrator: Ari, Roxy and James giggle.
Ryder: Aww, congratulations you two.
Trey: Sup guys!
Chase: Hey Trey.
Narrator: Trey and Chase paw bump.
Chase: Hey Brittany.
Brittany: Hey guys.
Firelight:  Hello!
Ryder:  Hey Firelight.
Tundra:  Hi.
Everest:  Hey Tundra.
Shade:  Shade's back!
Casey, Marylou, Rowena, Zyra, Sarge, Earnest, Trexie, and Simon: We're back!
Narrator:  The little pups wag their tails.
Ryder:  Alright, I think that's everyone.  How are you doing guys, I'm Ryder.  Now that the intro is out of the way, let's begin.  Okay first we have a dare from Evershall4ever. They dare Marshall to play Outlast 1 with DLC Whistleblower. Dang and I just canceled my credit cards! Sorry, we can't. We don't have the DLC pack nor do we have the game. So let's move on. Okay next we have an ask from TreyFarlow16.  They ask us, what do they think about James, his OC for PWE?
Chase: Well, all I could say is that he was a hard hitter.
Marshall: Getting my face smashed by him was probably one of the funniest moments I've ever had with him.
Rocky: He is skilled.
Rubble: He's vulnerable when I jump him.
Zuma: He's vewy stwong.
Skye: He's super competitive.
Everest: I think he's tough, maybe even tougher than Doctor Thug.
Tracker: I don't know, I've been off for a while.
Sweetie: Clever.
Narrator: The counterparts and pups shrug.
Trey: We've defeated each other at times.
Samuel: Skilled, but it doesn't mean I won't try.
Blossom: He's very good at wrestling.
Ryder: He's a good dog him, a very good friend.
Katie: I agree.
Ryder: Okay let's move on. Next we have an ask and a dare from @MemeMachine115.  Let's start with the ask. They ask us what is our favorite meme? Mine is the ones with Captain Kirk putting his hand on his face.
Katie: Mine is Tigger the cat saying no when getting a bath.
Chase: I like I'm blue abadeeabodi.
Marshall: Mine is the one with that kid dancing on the ground with that weird dubstep beat.
Rocky: I like the I have crippling depression meme.
Rubble: Mine is the Soviet Union National Anthem.
Zuma: I like the what's 9 + 10 meme.
Skye: Shooting Star.
Everest: Bring me to Life by Evanscene.
Tracker: Heyeyeyeyey.
Sweetie: The Fitness Gramm Pacer Test.
Shade: The illuminati.
Trey: He needs some milk.
Samuel: The I'm gay one.
Blossom: Shooting Star.
Casey: Fuk Da Police.
Marylou: Osteoporosis.
Rowena: I want to die.
Rubie: Hey, that's pretty good.
Zyra: I dropped my hot pocket.
Sarge: Deja Vu.
Earnest: To be continued.
Trexie: Illuminati.
Simon: Illuminati.
Blaze: Doge
Chloe: Me too.
Talia: Me three.
Jake: Same with you guys.
Ari: Illuminati.
James: Me too.
Roxy: Me three.
Firelight:  Scarce.
Tundra:  Run.
Debra:  Narwhals.
Ryder: Looks the three little pups can't talk yet. Okay next is the dare. They dare Skye, Sweetie, and Everest to tickle Chase until he admits he hates Skye, then Skye has to slap him and then anime run around the lookout.
Skye: (chuckles) What?
Chase: That's a lot of steps.
Everest: Well then let's get started.
Narrator: Skye, Everest, and Sweetie tackle Chase and start tickling him. Chase laughs and kicks his feet around.
Everest: Admit it Chase.
Chase: (laughs) Never!
Sweetie: If you want us to stop, then you'll have to admit it.
Chase: (laughs) I'll never admit it!
Narrator: They tickle Chase for a while.
Chase: (laughs) Okay, I gotta pee!
Skye: First, you have to admit it!
Chase: (laughs) Okay, okay, I hate you Skye!
Narrator: The girls stop tickling Chase and Skye slaps Chase and she starts anime running around the lookout. Chase catches his breath.
Chase: Now, I'll be right back guys.
Narrator: Chase goes outside to take care of his business and goes back into the lookout. Skye later comes back, exhausted.
Skye: (pants) I ran too much.
Zuma: We thought you awe enewgetic.
Skye: (pants) I am, but it's not like how it used to be.
Ryder: Wow Skye, you lost a little bit of weight.
Chase: Yeah you're looking sexier than before.
Narrator: Skye blushes and everyone laughs.
Ryder: Okay next we have an ask and a dare from Pootus.  Let's start with the ask. They ask Zuma if anyone has ever made fun of your speech impediment.
Zuma:  I know you guys have, you make fun of me for saying wead.
Skye:  We're not making fun of you, we were just joking around.
Zuma:  Oh then yeah, but that don't tuwn my down, because I dwop baws and I got God on my side.
Ryder:  It's nice that you're believing in your faith.  Next is the dare.  They dare us to prank the counterparts.  Well, I would like to tell you something.  On their way in, we attached balloons on their backs, and they still don't know about it.
Zyra: Wait what?
Narrator: The counterparts keep turning around trying to find the balloons on their backs. Everyone else was giggling. Finally they take the balloons out their backs.
Sarge: Very funny.
Earnest: Classic.
Ryder: (snickers) You counterparts are just as funny as the original. Next we have an ask and a dare from Lamborghini42. Let's start with the ask.  They ask us what's our favorite car?  I'm probably going to say the Ford Focus RS.
Katie:  Honda Accord.
Chase:  Ford F-150 XLT.
Marshall:  Chevy Silverado.
Rocky:  Toyota Prius.
Rubble:  Ram 1500.
Zuma:  Mewcedes Benz SLS.
Skye:  Lexus LFA.
Everest:  Lamborghini Veneno.
Tracker:  Willa's MB, very old Jeep, about 1945.
Sweetie:  Rolls Royce.
Debra:  Ford Fiesta.
Trey:  Ford F-150
Samuel:  Ford Mustang GT.
Shade:  The GT Spano.
Brittany:  Ford Mustang GT.
Firelight:  Nissan GTR R35
Tundra:  Volkswagen Golf GTI.
Rubie:  Mazda MX5
Blaze:  Cheverolet Corvette.
Chloe:  Ford Fusion.
Talia:  Same.
AJ:  Old Chevy impala.
Chocolate:  Chrysler 300.
Ari:  Lotus Elise.
James:  Nissan GTR.
Roxy:  Nissan Skyline GTR R34
Ryder:  Okay next is the dare.  They dare everyone to react to Big Bill's Hell.
Narrator: Ryder looks up the video, plays it, and they all begin reacting.

Narrator: Everyone laughs at the funny parts of the video.
Ryder: That was a really good video, did you guys find?
Narrator: Everyone nods.
Ryder: Okay next we have a dare from Wolfy426. They dare Skye to prank Chase.
Skye: Ooh, I got a good one.
Narrator: Skye goes to the lookout, gets her pup pack and flies out the lookout. She calls Zuma.
Skye: Zuma.
Narrator: Zuma goes outside.
Zuma: Yeah Skye?
Skye: When I tell you the signal, throw the fake eagle in the air.
Zuma: You got it Skye.
Narrator: Skye flies toward them.
Skye: Now!
Narrator: Zuma throws the fake eagle at Skye, she screams and starts falling.
Chase: Skye, is that you?
Narrator: Chase runs outside and Skye crashes on the ground, and pretends to be dead.
Chase: Skye? Skye?!!!!
Narrator: Chase tries to wake her up, but he couldn't.
Chase: (weeps) Skye no, please don't die on me. We got a lot to accomplish together, I need you, please! Please, Skye?!!!! Please?!!!!
Narrator: Chase breaks down into tears, and lays his head on Skye's chest. Her heart was still beating.
Chase: Wait a minute, you're not dead!
Skye: (giggles) No, but I got you!
Chase: That's not funny!
Narrator: Chase pushes Skye on the ground and she continues laughing.
Skye: I can't believe you "fell" for that! (laughs)
Chase: (chuckles) You little devil.
Narrator: Skye and Chase nuzzle each other. Everyone smiles at them chuckling.
Ryder: Well, Skye's pup pack is now broken. We're going to have to fix it. Okay next we have Dare from SkyeXZumaShipper24. They dare Marshall and Rocky to prank @CCKILLER00. Well he's not here, so we can't do that so let's move on. Next we have an ask and 2 dares from SamuelWong5. Let's start with the ask.  They ask us, what do you guys think about us and each other in PWE?
Dogs: You did great on hosting.
Marshall: And what I have to say about each other is that we all do our very best in PWE.
Narrator: Everyone else nods in agreement.
Ryder: Okay now let's do the dares. The first dare is for himself to say something good about the OCs.  Well he's not here so let's move on to the next one, which is for all of us to prank the OCs, but SamuelWong5 and @CCKILLER00 are not here.
Narrator: Ryder's tablet dings.
Ryder: Hang on a second.
Narrator: Ryder looks at his messages.
Ryder: Okay I got a text from @CCKILLER00. He said he can't come on the talk show because he's got a busy schedule. SamuelWong5 says sorry I'm running late. The trip from Singapore to Adventure Bay is a very long drive. So anyway guys, thank you all for watching. Give us feedback on what you guys think, and we'll see you all tomorrow, bye.

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