New National Pastime

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I am a jock... love most sports. Baseball and football (American Football) are my favs and my hometeams still bring it. Dodgers are in training camp right now, so I am just a little excited.

That being said, I think there is a new national pastime. Move over baseball with your Cracker Jacks and grandma's apple pie - butchering the National Anthem is the new national sport.

This time it was Fergie... My favorite quote was Sir Charles saying he needed a cigarette. Gotta love Sir Charles.

This is in direct competition for the worst rendition with that of Roseanne Barr. That was just embarrassing.

Or maybe the one that is popular down where I live 'Jose' can you see?'. There really is lyrics to the whole song...

But I don't see this happening to other countries. Heck give me a good rap version of 'Oh Canada' anyday. Or have a Queen cover band do a version of 'God Save the Queen'. Maybe have one of the Korean boy bands do the North Korean anthem. Let's make this fun people!

Why is it that the US gets their National Anthem so 'stylized'? Now I know my history lessons and yes I know the actual tune was an old drinking song, which just explains a lot in my opinion. I kinda feel put out honestly, like I know we're 'special' but do we have to be this special?  

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